Comment history

Alan1 says...

I completely agree with this letter writer. The PLP promised to abolish the Health Visa as one of their primary election promises. Now they are in office they are not getting rid of this cumbersome and anti-tourist Visa. We are losing business to all the other destinations in our region because they have a more realistic and tourist friendly policy. There is no clear need for the Visa. If passengers show a fully vaccinated health certificate then they should be given a boarding pass and be on their way to our country. The weak excuse of the new Minister that the Visa gives us "information" is not credible. The previous normal landing card had passengers fill in all the relevant information about them and where they were from . That was sufficient to garner information. The Visa is taking much needed business away from us. Where is the hotel workers' union officials and business owners suffering from lack of business in not complaining. They have the most to lose by these harsh rules.

On Salvage what tourism is available

Posted 9 November 2021, 5:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

This regular column is far from objective. It is a continual regular diatribe against the Republican Party, Trump and those opposed to the Democrats. I am not an American and it does not affect me personally. However I would prefer to have a more impartial column on American politics if we have to have one in The Tribune. . In The Bahamas we have become far too americanised and our focus should be on other parts of the world as well including the often fascinating activities taking place in the United Kingdom and the other 54 Commonwealth countries of which we have been a part for 300 years.

Alan1 says...

We cannot re-write our history. Columbus was a part of our history. One of the greatest contributions to our development has been the Christian religion. This was brought to us by the European nations through their explorers and missionaries. This was a positive aspect of our colonial experience .

On Landed in The Bahamas

Posted 30 October 2021, 5:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

We need to keep all our historic statues . We need to know our history better and be proud of being Bahamian. Tearing down statues gives a terrible impression of our country. We cannot rewrite history. We cannot judge our ancestors by to-day's standards. This is a different era. We should look forward not backward.

On Spare statue, but tear down wall

Posted 13 October 2021, 5:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

Sadly we have lost and are losing many prospective visitors because of the cumbersome requirements of the Travel Visa. Nearly everywhere else is easier to enter than The Bahamas. Why be bothered having to fulfill all our requirements when they can just show a fully vaccinated certificate at the airport check in desk and go nearly everywhere else without any hassles and expense. Keeping this Visa does not make any sense. We are desperate to get tourism up and running again and our people being employed again.

On Cruise ship vaccination policy to be extended

Posted 13 October 2021, 5:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

How sad to see our country descend to these unlawful activities. We are importing the negative attitude of activists in other nations. We cannot rewrite our history. Bahamians must have a better knowledge of our history and be proud of our long and colourful traditions. Christopher Columbus made a contribution as did others over the centuries. This monument and that of Queen Victoria must be better protected. For someone to be able just to mount the statue and damage it and no police or security are around can no longer be tolerated.

Alan1 says...

I am very saddened to read of his passing. He was very talented both in sports and journalism. He is a great role model for our younger generation in his determination to go ahead just like his Father who served The Bahamas and The Commonwealth in dedicated military service during World War Two. All the Johnson family are very talented Bahamians. We shall really miss Ivan's presence in the newspaper world.

Alan1 says...

As long as the Government keeps the Health Visa our tourist numbers will be depressed. Many pprospective visitors do not have the will or time to complete all the cumbersome paperwork required and the Visa charge is unreasonable. The PLP had promised to get rid of this Visa but now are indicating it may stay. Visitors can go to most other southern vacation spots without all the hassles we are requiring. Think again Minister!

Alan1 says...

The Visa for international travellers is depressing business as people can go to nearly all other southern destinations without all the hassles we are imposing on them. If visitors have a double vaccination certificate why do they need to go through all the other cumbersome requirements? It takes away business we desperately need at this time. Whoever dreamed up the Visa was seriously misguided.There have been all kinds of complaints over the past year from well meaning travel agents and visitors about the Visa problems. Now the new government is going down the same route.

Alan1 says...

The Health Visa for international travellers has to be abolished immediately if we are to see any uptake in visitor arrivals. It is expensive and cumbersome and most people can go to nearly all other southern destinations without all our hassles. We are getting left behind and this is badly affecting the economy and jobs.

On Health visa reforms ‘remove the friction’

Posted 27 September 2021, 5:28 p.m. Suggest removal