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AlexJohnson says...

This one is so simple, sign the lease and pay the folks their money. No press release, bo house debate, sign the lease and pay the folks of have them vacate the property. This one is so not hard. When did we become so dramatic and irrational in our thinking that everything has to be exposed in order to hurt and defame our own people. What is interesting to me is we want to lay the blame when most of the problems we have can be fixed if we work together and stop trying to destroy each other. Now the FNM has their chance to throw stones at 'the people' but yet still it it suppose to be the peoples time...really. How are you going hurt what helps you. Uggggg this is so not fair to those who want to move forward. This whole FNM thing is beginning to look like a bad choice. ijs

AlexJohnson says...

We are spending so much time trying to lock other folks up that we are not governing the country as it should be. You all wanted the PLP gone and they are gone; now we are going to spend years trying prove they messed up. It is evident in that they were voted out now let us see what the FNM will do for the people. For weeks all we have heard is what the PLP did but when will be see what the FNM is actually doing. Come on people, lock up Perry Christie and that makes who better - no one, he has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. The PLP made lots of mistakes, but haven't we all, some greater than other. Now it is time for the FNM to put up, shut up or get put out but I am soooooooooooooo tired of the who did what and when and not seeing improvements for the now. Trump is spending his days doing all he can to undo President Obama's legacy, let's not have a Minnis trying to spend his days trying to undo Prime Minister Christie's legacy.

AlexJohnson says...

Part of my frustration in this whole political arena is one party says one thing and the other party refutes it without logic, reason or rationale but only to create havoc with the people. It is so disheartening to see this every day from the people we trusted to build, grow and develop our country. Every day, same madness and confusion and the real question is when do they pause and think about the people? When do they pause and go to their people and discuss the matters affecting their people and build, write and create laws, programs and initiatives that will help the people instead of divide the people? Both parties have their deficiencies and while I must confess my heart is with the PLP and will always be with them, my concern is does everything have to be exposed to violently in the honorable house? Is there no way the discussion can for a while be centered around and for the people. This is so consistently exhausting. Sadly enough the people are now disillusioned by the rhetoric, but not confused about the direction. I pray, I honestly pray that our politicians will think more about the people and less about themselves so that we can move pass petty politics and begin to see actual results. #proudtobeaBahamian

On Minnis: Nothing to celebrate for PLP

Posted 13 January 2017, 5:02 p.m. Suggest removal