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Alexander44Johnson says...

One of the saddest parts about this story is the Bahamians (us) who live in the Bahamas and depend on these Health Care Providers find it so easy to throw them under the bus - this is my frustration. And you wonder why the foreigners are taking over the Bahamas because Bahamians will find any reason to slander each other. I don't care what you say we have the best health care providers in all of the world and it is our duty to stand united with them in the international matter. Now the world is reading all the foolishness Bahamians are posting about their own and we have become the laughing stock once again because we do not support is. America is not always right and a liar can come from any city, state or country...we must spend time focusing on and building what we have and stop allowing people to say anything about us and we defend THEM instead of US. ...

See how the world marks the manner of your bearing!
Pledge to excel through love and unity.
Pressing onward, march together
to a common loftier goal;

On Hospital rejects claims by U.S. patient

Posted 10 March 2016, 7:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Alexander44Johnson says...

You shared my thoughts precisely. Why go around tearing down people instead of helping them build themselves and their quality of life. We must be more merciful, kind and caring towards one another in order to see success - after all, even white crabs know that.

On Minnis: We will expose another scandal

Posted 1 April 2015, 8:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Alexander44Johnson says...

Can someone help me understand why Dr. Minnis will watch the problem, gather information about the problem and not make an attempt to fix the problem? So exposing another Scandal will increase news media coverage and give the people a little more to be bitter about, yet the problem still exist. It is so frustrating to see how politics is played out in the media with very, very little corrective action. When will we become pro active instead of reactive. Our politicians must remember the people, the must remember the people who elected them and they must not think just for their selfish gain but for the people. I am saddened at the consistent public display of foolishness with very little results that benefit the people. Dr. Minnis, use your information for the good of the people. Instead of trying to make Prime Minister Christie look bad, help those involved so that the people can feel some relief, please. This is really allot for people who are struggling with to constantly deal with supposedly intelligent, legal minded leaders playing tricks for votes and support when people are hurting and need relief - not just help, but relief.

On Minnis: We will expose another scandal

Posted 1 April 2015, 8:27 p.m. Suggest removal