Comment history

AlextheCon says...

Interesting take @ sheeprunner12...

@ Fake Bahamian, you still haven’t told us why you loathe the GBPA Management so much, especially the President. It definitely comes across as a personal vendetta. I ask again, what did the GBPA do to you?

On Nationalise GB Port? Not for now

Posted 10 August 2018, 5:04 p.m. Suggest removal

AlextheCon says...

@BahamaLlama - it seems that you have a personal gripe with the management of the GBPA, especially its president. What did he or GBPA do to you to cause such hatred?

On Nationalise GB Port? Not for now

Posted 10 August 2018, 7:36 a.m. Suggest removal

AlextheCon says...

What a MORON!!! Do you actually believe the garbage you're spewing?

AlextheCon says...

It never ceases to amaze me how far some halfwits will go to slander our Bahamian men. You sir are an idiot and clearly have no idea what you're talking about. In fact, you are probably not even a Bahamian...some racist coward hiding behind a handle.

AlextheCon says...

It amazes me how racist cowards continue to try to slander the names of honest and decent young Bahamians simply because they cannot handle the fact that certain people in positions of influence are local Bahamians. We all know who you are...go back to your crappy country!