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All4One says...

Karma.....I'm curious how they will spin this? Fitzgerald can't explain away the implications of the emails. And he can't bluster about any sort of breach of privacy due to his own past behaviour! I truly wish these selfish, greedy, short-sighted megalomaniacs would realise the possible ramifications of their actions when it comes to FDI. Which legitimate investors are going to be interested in doing business with this band of pirates in the future? NONE! They'll only attract bigger pirates looking to launder their ill-gotten gains. And while I'm sure they'll happily go along with that program, it will only confirm the global assumption that The Bahamas is once again a nation for sale. Praying Christie at least pretends to show a modicum of national concern and iota of spine, and cuts Fitzgerald loose. Doubtful, but we can only hope....

All4One says...

I really hope you're kidding, and that's NOT your only takeaway from this story....

All4One says...

Your summation is absolutely spot on! Unfortunately, the heavy handed government completely mismanaged this process from beginning to end. Their hubris in the face of the clear and repeated objections of the people is absolutely the reason for this shutout. But if the governing party acts true to form, it won't be long before their revisionist speechwriters shift blame squarely to the feet of the Official Opposition. I sigh....

All4One says...

Adrian Gibson summed it up nicely. Boring twaddle! It was excruciating to watch, so I've been trying to read and digest some of it in small, palatable bites all day. Sadly, the PM is like a middle-aged lothario who heads down to Ft Lauderdale for spring break every year sporting too much black hair dye, a silk shirt exposing copious amounts of chest hair and the requisite gold medallion, and with a speedo in his suitcase and hoping to hook up with some college girls....That is to say, well past his sell-by date, but with oodles of misplaced confidence in the fact that no one has noticed. Newsflash....we notice! Pack it in Mr. PM, before even the most loyal supporters acknowledge how you're leading the economy off of a cliff.

All4One says...

What a time....they're all turning against each other...

All4One says...

My thoughts exactly! Not a word about these equally alarming claims....Scary stuff....

On PM hits out at Baha Mar ‘lie’

Posted 24 May 2016, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

All4One says...

It's a shame that this whole process has been tainted by ignorance, hysteria, and political shenanigans. This change is long overdue, and fairly straightforward, if Bahamians would make the effort to read something besides Facebook, Bahamas Press, and various other sordid and/or questionable 'sources'. READ the bills, which clearly outline the proposed changes - which are NOT being made in isolation, but relate to various other parts of our Constitution. These amendments are addressing a glaring oversight which our forefathers likely deliberately made as it relates to equality.

I think everyone realises that the PM and his cronies are not to be trusted on the best of occasions, especially not in light of the so-called gambling 'opinion poll'. But if you are at all familiar with this process, you will understand that unlike the previous deliberate charade, this referendum is binding, so whatever the outcome, we are compelled to adhere to it.

We truly live in a bizarro world in this little Bahamas. Everyone is so eager to sit back and savour the schadenfreude of watching each other crash and burn; never mind how it negatively impacts the entire country, or our global standing.

All4One says...

Succinct indeed. Well said, Mr. Coulson!

All4One says...

Fitzgerald has managed to do what I'm now convinced he is retained by government to do - deflect and distract. By lobbing his passel of half truths, cover ups, and outright lies onto the floor of the house, he's managed to chum the waters to create enough of a feeding frenzy to occupy the masses, and give the government a respite from doing what they're actually paid to do. Weren't they supposed to be discussing budget?? Unfortunately, the Opposition, woefully lead by a clearly out of his depth Minnis, appears clueless as when and how to step into the breach and manage the situation.

These politicians truly exemplify the saying that Peter is no better than Paul. Unless or until a better option comes along (NOT the DNA in its current incarnation) you may as well grit your teeth, close your eyes, say a prayer and throw a dart before you vote for most of these people.

All4One says...

100% Agreed!