Comment history

All4One says...

Slow claps for you, Naughty! everything about this column was spot on! Don't know how I missed the resemblance, though. Truly the hubris of this crew is unreal....

All4One says...

Valid point, Mr. Galanis. But as usual, the likes of the 2 Cabinet ministers mentioned, will all pretend it never happened....

All4One says...

What's the proverb? "There are none so blind as those who will not see."

On China gives $1.2m to buy military equipment

Posted 29 January 2016, 1:10 p.m. Suggest removal

All4One says...

Actually, the problem with ALL of these parties is that they're only intent on pointing out what the problems are, but no one bothers to detail possible practicable solutions. I really despair for our little country.....

All4One says...

That's all that Minister Khaalis Rolle had to say? "I don't agree"? The sheer arrogance and apathy of these wilfully ignorant politicians is maddening. I'm particularly disappointed in Rolle's ongoing ostrich impression to the wanton cronyism, lack of transparency and out and out undercover double dealing. I guess silence, like loyalty, can be cheaply bought. Because it's apparent that the remaining members of the current administration have shrugged off any pretence at any sort of national development. It's now a free for all, and every man for himself.

All4One says...

No sh*t, Sherlock! We don't need a MARCH, we need a solution.

On Wilchcombe: Murder record is a disgrace

Posted 11 November 2015, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

All4One says...

Agreed. It does have the look of a low-rise version of those monstrosities in Hong Kong. Quite jarring...

On Work stopped at The Pointe

Posted 28 October 2015, 4:54 p.m. Suggest removal

All4One says...

It's been apparent from his appointment that this minister is either completely ignorant of the educational needs of the nation, or dangerously apathetic. He doesn't know, and he definitely doesn't care. I don't know why I'm consistently shocked by how shortsighted most of these cabinet ministers are when it comes to nation building. Because they are clearly only concerned with feathering their own nests, speaking in sound bites, and blaming everyone else - usually the opposition - for their own shortcomings! Could they really be so concerned with retaining their control of the Treasury's purse strings that they would ignore the critical state of our educational system?? And they all seem to have this surreal belief that the people will believe any and all ridiculous pronouncement that they make! How can Bahamian's be empowered if they don't have a sound basic education? Crime is skyrocketing, the economy is crumbling, and unemployment is on the rise, but no one seems willing to point out that the emperor has no clothes....

On BGCSE RESULTS: Mathematics E, English D+

Posted 12 August 2015, 3:07 p.m. Suggest removal

All4One says...

......And so, the culture of dependence continues. Because Turnquest is correct; it's a slippery slope they're heading down. If you pay one, the remaining will shortly begin braying for reimbursement. Whether they made money or not.

All4One says...

I'll believe it once it's done.