Comment history

Allan says...

There are times when silence is golden. For some in the political arena, this might be a good thing at this time,

Allan says...

Your figures are not correct

Allan says...

We have come to a cross road in our political life here in the Bahamas. There is a sense among many who voted FNM previously that the FNM has morphed into an organisation that is too much like the PLP. Consequently there is a level of distrust and, thank God for the recent happenings because there are many who would now vote other than the two main parties now that the DNA has been strengethened by Mrs, Butler-Turner. Both of the main parties are preceived to have abandoned the Bahamian people. Only looking out for a small portion of known party supporters and their families. One recent insident as an example is when Mr. Turnquest the deputy leader of the FNM clearly came out against supporting the 600 workers who lost their jobs. Instead it seems he cautioned the union against their effort to help when made a legal move to help the workers retain their jobs. Both the major parties are preceived to have no empathy for the majority of Bahamians, and only know that they exist at election time.

Allan says...

Past due, but both major parties do not wish to bring an intelligent coherent debate that could give the Bahamian electorate an avenue to make an intelligent decision.