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AlternateView says...

Okay so from what I am understanding from all this gobbly goop is that we may be saving a little bit on the side of how much electricity we actually use, BUT unless the fuel charge goes down significantly, we will not see much of a difference. Maybe $20 or less in savings/difference.

Something is better than nothing I suppose, but this is not making much of a dent as we may think it will. Hopefully later down the road it will become a bigger difference? Shall wait and see, not that we have much choice in the matter 🤪

AlternateView says...

My thoughts exactly! Something fishy is going on here...sounds like an excuse to hand out more of the peoples money to Focol and the rest. All this short term fraud will cost us ALL in the end as no International (or local) company in their right mind will ever want to invest in the Bahamas. Too damn corrupt!!!

AlternateView says...

Move along now! Move along! Nothing to see here! Just another CYA story!

Different year, same BS...

AlternateView says...

Less talk, more action! Nuff said!

On Inflation could hit BPL bills

Posted 21 April 2022, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

AlternateView says...

I wonder if this *"Taste of The Bahamas"* will include fire engine and bamboo shack?

AlternateView says...

Well it should be quite obvious what this means. The virus is **also on vacation** when it enters the hotel lobby. Hence, no need for mask wearing. The virus is also there for relaxation. You can't expect it to be working all the time do you? That's against the virus department of labor laws (VDLL)!

Boy, surprised no one else thought of this incredible science break through before with Covid!

AlternateView says...

**Can we please stop with the finger pointing and get some actual work done here?**

All this is just more crap to distract the people from the obvious issue here. This new government, like all the others before it, has no clear plan on how to get the country out of this predicament/recession.

When the Roman Empire was on it's last legs as well, they decided to distract the people with games at the Coliseum. Meanwhile, the empire is dying. hello! wake up people!!!

**We need to stay focused on rebuilding the country! Show us the plan forward or get the hell out of the way, so that someone else can take the reins who know what the hell they are actually doing!**

AlternateView says...

There really is no point in adding new taxes when you can't even collect FULLY on the existing ones!!! VAT was supposed to cover our shortfall when first implemented. What happened there as mentioned above?

Besides, if income tax was to be implemented, can regular Bahamians really afford to loose one third (30%) of their income? I think not!!!

Also, what about tax returns if we overpay? Will the government be savvy (and honest) enough to calculate that correctly, and how long will that take to get back to us?

I can see it now, the mass exodus of high-income individuals hiding their income to pay less taxes, or leaving this country outright for other more tax friendly countries. California and New York ring any bells here? Yes, these are just states within the US, but you get the point! The very people who can afford more taxes will leave and that will just leave the rest of us schmucks footing the new bill/tax.

Boy I tell ya! Go ahead and implement this. See what happens. Makes no goddam sense!!!

AlternateView says...

I'm sorry, but I don't believe this article is 100% accurate.

I bank with Commonwealth and Scotia bank at the same time. I pay the same service charge fee every month ($6.50) with Scotia, whereas my monthly fee fluctuates with Commonwealth bank.

Commonwealth loves to charge you for everything. All I did was take $20 out once at the ATM and put in $100 a day later. Bought groceries once and paid for gas once. That's it! Four transactions in total for the month of January and my service charge came up to **$8!**

I did **19 transactions** at Scotia bank and still only paid **$6.50!** What the heck is going on with banks these days?

IMHO I believe CB is the worst with fees. Agree or disagree. Up to the masses.

On Bank fees: CIBC and Fidelity are cheapest

Posted 23 February 2022, 3:40 p.m. Suggest removal

AlternateView says...

While I applaud Bahamians being offered a chance to own their own home for the first time, I don't understand this "all eggs in one basket" approach. Is the government not paying attention to the fact that construction cost and labor has gone up double, triple and quadruple fold? Why rely so heavily on construction to prop up the economy? Biden is doing the same thing with his $1.3 Trillion proposal. Better and fresher ideas need to be proposed overall.

Investing in our own sustainable fisheries and agriculture industries is the way to go. We need to stop relying on imported food and more on our own home grown products. Why import if you can get fresh from your own back yard in some instances? Backyard farming should definitely be encourage more. The mindset of the next generation needs to be changed who thinks farming is "not hip" enough as a career choice!