Comment history

Amused says...

This idiot is really out of touch

Amused says...

Totally agreed

Amused says...

From 78 hospitalized to 61 in a day/day and a half. Either that's good news or someone is clearly playing with the numbers

Amused says...

Idiots with degrees who lack basic common sense. The stupidity of ppl in top positions or positions for that matter is so sad

Amused says...

Marlon Johnson is just clueless as they come

Amused says...

What will happen come flu season? Will we be inside 2-3months

Amused says...

Incompetent ja*********es

Amused says...

This idiot still spewing garbage.

Amused says...

Police didn't respond after 9pm. It was still daylight when they were called to the scene. No need to blatantly lie about that part of the story.

Amused says...

Just because the tribune or guardian didn't report it doesn't mean it wasn't true. I plane spot from time to time and you can look up everything thru flight aware to radar 24, so before you spew dumbness look up the info first