Comment history

Amused says...

Another idiot just talking. action action action. Tear the illegal structures down. I can't go to another persons country and do this, so why is it acceptable here?

Amused says...

Everyone is getting hit economically. Cheaper everyone has this cry to get more money.

Amused says...

So miraculously they all had the approved documents before coming/landing, yet the two Buffon sat the press conference were just lost on the matter

Amused says...

> The plane arrived at 5am this morning on our 737-700 plane which is the only plane we have that can do a four and a half flight and we had two ATR planes transport them to Abaco after they arrived in the country. We were pleased with the commercial transaction.”

Last I checked before you got this 700 series plane the 500 series that you have was flying the Nassau-Houston route with ease. so stop telling lies