Comment history

Amused says...

I always chuckle when you have scores of police at a murder/crime scene just standing around, like what damn sense does that make

On Two men found shot dead on Pitt Road

Posted 30 December 2020, 8:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Amused says...

Utter bs. The real reason is covid hurt your numbers making travel non existent Easter summer and thanksgiving. Didn't want to cut staff or salaries, so now to try make up you increase fares and baggage. I guess southwest doesn't conform to industry standards since they've been offering two free bags since forever

Amused says...

Borrow borrow borrow is all we know, why can't we manage money better and properly

On Bahamas to get $60m for COVID battle boost

Posted 27 November 2020, 11:55 a.m. Suggest removal

Amused says...

Agreed. I'm actually a Padi dive instructor, with numerous certifications under my belt and 18 years experience. Government just doesn't see the worth of their own on a pay scale, and rather pay the foreigner imo.

Amused says...

Well I don't feel sorry for him. Now only if more could be forced to resign from both sides

Amused says...

I always said as well build pools in government schools. As big as cv bethel, Doris Johnson, and Anatol Rodgers schools are start there.

Amused says...

Mr Roberts they are catching it in supermarkets so stop the bold face lies. Isn't the supermarket a social place? Anyways couple of the super values had covid cases yet none were shut down

On ‘Extending powers is right’

Posted 20 November 2020, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Amused says...

Yawn, it bet there will be cost overruns because they didn't foresee something or plan something properly

On Festival place demolition almost complete

Posted 19 November 2020, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Amused says...

Smt always someone group or persons being special privileged than others. It never stops

Amused says...

The resold land they flipped for a profit should have been seized back by the government and all involve thrown in JAIL

On Land row director is rehired by govt

Posted 19 November 2020, 2:14 p.m. Suggest removal