Comment history

Amused says...

If I want to go to the USA or travel there if that's my problem. I'm not the average joe who wants to go to flea market, swap shop, sawgrass or Walmart. Heck there are other states besides Florida I frequent. I just need a get away trip

Amused says...

If bahamasair flew to Texas using a 500 series aircraft then going to Mexico could have did the job as well but whatever. Retire the last two 500 series and have all 700 series 737s just saying

Amused says...

Everything these days with any of these jack in the boxes is they don't know the figures/numbers at the moment.come with the information ready

Amused says...

This man is one out of touch fool and bafoon

On Economy rebound ‘in six months’

Posted 2 November 2020, 2:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Amused says...

Cut the civil service salaries but we know you're only going to borrow some more next year just to pay them

On 'Within the ball park': Gov't debt near $9bn

Posted 30 October 2020, 11:42 a.m. Suggest removal

Amused says...

Sthese idiots just are clueless

Amused says...

When it was west bay st and Thompson blvd lines were still long, you added Carmichael lines are still long. Staff are just not efficient and could care less. I bet these lines will still be long regardless. Why can't one government service run efficiently just ONE.

It's high time the exam be taken online in front of a camera where they can fully see you and administer the test via zoom or whichever is available this isn't rocket science.

These old clueless dimwits really need to step aside and let young fresh vibrant minds come up with ways to move things forward instead of oh we never been here before or stagnated attitudes

Amused says...

I honestly don't know why things take rocket science in this country. Of 250k ppl on a island 21/7 or smaller if you take out lyford cat and Albany things should be and run smooth and effortlessly.

Road traffic always runs out of plates and why did they even close the west Bay Street location? If anything we need 4/5 sites and staff need s to be a a shift system from 6/7am- 6pm as well as opening on a Saturday for half day

Amused says...

Why is it with every minister they never know the figures to anything. Obviously these idiots don't do their homework before coming to the media for what obvious questions will be asked.

National security
Etc etc etc

They never know the damn figures, this is just insane

Amused says...

This hot air Buffon again