Comment history

Amused says...

Last I checked most the population is jammed up on new providence, so what do these jack in the boxes expect? For new providence to have lower count number than any other island? Think again. Most all the activity happens here, so you can expect higher numbers in most cases here than any other island. I guess Christmas and New Years we will be locked down too at this rate aye

Amused says...

Closing every single time a positive case is unsustainable imo. Shouldn't any high traffic business or any business for that matter be cleaned properly and thoroughly every night/day.

Cheaper zns stays closed its ran its course

Amused says...

Agreed, straight Buffon, full of hot air and just as clueless

Amused says...

I think until the government sector employees feel it in their pockets like how private sector employees are then maybe they'll take it more seriously too

On 151 new cases of COVID-19

Posted 9 October 2020, 7:48 a.m. Suggest removal

Amused says...

The governments of the day never know what they are doing can't get nothing right and it's always a issue or wait with something with only 400k ppl or there about s. Imagine if we were as big as Jamaica population wise, we would be wayyyyyyy up S$&@ creek

On COVID-19: The workplace is now a 'hotspot'

Posted 3 October 2020, 4:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Amused says...

And the two idiots besides mr. sands seem not to follow their own guidelines put in place by social distancing

Amused says...

Lol smh I'll go out on a limb and say a gun was used for gunshot injuries but what do I know. The police really are useless and clueless.

R.I.P to the victims they didn't deserve that at all

Amused says...

Didn't Sebas show and explain on video how he was tested on arrival and was made to wait in his room until the results came? Now the government of the day thinks this is ground breaking what they are doing? Smt. I know folks have been saying for a while test on arrival but the government doesn't listen to the common man

Amused says...

Shouldn't a building or place of work be deep cleaned or sanitized on a daily or weekly basis?

They make it seem like only if a covid infection shows up that oh now we will deep clean, this should be standard across the board before covid pandemic

On Ministry of Health to be cleaned and sanitised

Posted 25 September 2020, 10:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Amused says...

Stop having large gatherings simple. You are not above the emergency orders. Also your patrons are making you a target as they post of every pic and video while in there like they aren't use to phones or being out

On Waterloo ‘may be forced to shut’

Posted 24 September 2020, 6:01 p.m. Suggest removal