Comment history

AnObserver says...

Does anyone know what URCA actually does?

AnObserver says...

Cars have headlights. The last thing we need is more streetlights.

AnObserver says...

Space X rockets are fueled with kerosene. Also known as Jet A. This is basically a slightly lighter petroleum distillate than diesel. So a Space X rocket booster failing to land, exploding and falling in to the sea is no worse than a mailboat sinking, or a plane crash. Even if the booster were to fail to land, it would explode, burning up all of the excess fuel.

I know it sounds scary and crazy to land rockets on boats, it is really a very low risk operation.

On Handing keys to the unknown

Posted 20 February 2025, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal

AnObserver says...

Exactly. There is basically nothing to worry about whatsoever from the booster landing. Far more pollution ends up in the ocean from bottom paint, leaking lower units, spills when refueling, runoff, etc. People are barking up the wrong tree.

AnObserver says...

Is it really that hard to say "Rape is wrong."?

On PM seeks consensus on marital rape law

Posted 18 February 2025, 3:18 p.m. Suggest removal

AnObserver says...

How can you be "divided" on the issue of rape? If someone is raped, they are raped.

On BCC: don’t blame church on marital rape law

Posted 17 February 2025, 11:24 a.m. Suggest removal

AnObserver says...

They could call themselves "Bahamas Teachers Union", BTU. They could be "Teachers Union of the Bahamas", TUB. They could be "Bahamas Educators Union". BEU. Instead they chose to call themselves BUT.

These are the people educating our children? No wonder critical thinking skills and common sense no longer exist.

AnObserver says...

Only if they aren't wearing their space helmets.

AnObserver says...

So when we go completely gasoline based what will happen then? People say they do not use horses to prevent the mess, yet their gasoline car is constantly breaking down. My car has run out of gas more than I can remember. My horse is very clean. My car has been hit my other drivers, my neighbor's car broke down. As a country we need to use all means of transportation and keep horses! Don't go complete internal combustion and petroleum based! When a hurricane hits, I can still ride my horse! We cannot rely on the horseless carriage only. Otherwise, we will be shut down and paralyzed when something happens.

On Ransomware attack on university

Posted 6 February 2025, 2:46 p.m. Suggest removal

AnObserver says...

go away! Nobody wants you! Your bungling of Dorian and Covid aren't things people are going to forget anytime soon.

On Minnis: I will run in next election

Posted 21 January 2025, 12:02 p.m. Suggest removal