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AnOutsider says...

I am an outsider. Sometimes the observations of outsiders can be relevant. We have been visitors to GBI since our honeymoon in 1971 and have seen enormous changes there over the decades, some good, some not. Our recent visits have been tainted by the animal problems evident in the strays we have seen on the roadways and at the resort. We have driven the length of the island more than once and have witnessed ourselves dogs roaming deserted roads. One can only imagine the harsh cruel life they face. It makes me heartsick that the animals are being used as pawns in a game of oneupsmanship in the veterinary arena. Ego seems to be the reason the island's vets are saying "we will take care of the problem ourselves", like spoiled children. Pride is when you have put ego aside and accomplished something for someone else's welfare beside your own. I used to care about the island and its residents. I loved sitting and talking with the people working at the resort about their homes and families. We supported the Humane Society as best we could trying to help them care for the innumerable needy animals. We watched the news of government and economic progress with hopes things would get better for the residents and the helpless animals who live there. It makes me ill to watch the decline in so many areas, especially the welfare of those unable to care for themselves. It's difficult to care about a nation who says "we will take care of it ourselves" when it's been proven they are either unwilling or unable to do so, and refuse to cooperate with those who are. Where is the government oversight on this problem? Anyone can plainly see that the government of the Bahamas is very self-absorbed and self-serving to the detriment of real progress in many areas. Ego, not pride.

On It's about animals, not vets

Posted 3 December 2013, 12:30 p.m. Suggest removal