Comment history

Andrewharris says...

Feeling for these young people trying to find a job and make an honest living.

On Thousands queue for jobs at Melià Resort

Posted 25 September 2014, 9:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Andrewharris says...

If you understand what bacchanal is you will also understand that you cannot 'feature' It means bacchanal. It is not a form of music or dance. It is a Trini word for chaos or maddness and coonfusion. You can 'have bacchanal in de street' but you don't 'feature'

On Caribbean Muzik Festival returns to Nassau

Posted 25 September 2014, 9:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Andrewharris says...

Matthew 19:14
'But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven'
We are a 'Christian' country..... remember?

On ‘Frenzy’ over changes to immigration policy

Posted 25 September 2014, 9:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Andrewharris says...

Many other countries have legalized gambling and it did not create a multitude of new gambling addicts. Why do we feel this will happen here? Bahamians have had had access to the web shops for years and this has not created any social issues. Those who have gamblings addictions will find a way to satisfy their addictions whether gambling is legal or not. I think we are underestimating the Bahamian people. The referrendum is an indication that most people are not interested in what is the bruh ha ha about? I agree that the government should have respected national opinion but I do not think it will create the problems people say it will.

On The view on the street over gambling

Posted 17 September 2014, 6:37 a.m. Suggest removal

Andrewharris says...

I am so fed up with this whole topic. Can we just legalize it and move on?...Please?!

Andrewharris says...

Ahhhh.... people are born everyday and they die everyday. Fact of life. I don't agree with closing school and sending children home. Maybe on Monday have an extended moment of prayer or silence in her honour but don't close the school.

On School in shock after teacher dies

Posted 5 September 2014, 12:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Andrewharris says...

Well what a bunch of nonsense posted here today. We voting on equal rights for WOMEN. how pray tell did we end up so far from the issue? How did this become a gay rights issue? Small wonder Fred Mitchel seems arrogant. It is not that he is arrogant, he is intelligent and This country has so many ignorant people that he seems arrogant. It is shameful to read some of these posts. This country is full of small minded, uninformed jackases who will grab at any opportunity to hate. Be it Gays or Haitians or anyone different. 'The ignorant yell the loudest and the blind follow.' This might as well be Uganda.
Wow this whole this has become a usual.

Andrewharris says...

What childish nonsense is this?

Andrewharris says...

More than likely Mr. Wells is already 'in bed' with Brave Davis. How else could you explain this?

Andrewharris says...

We dealin with these issues today. What happened in the past happened. It's over.