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Androsboy says...

Tell me notso gullible, how in your veiw is experience learnt? Do you have to follow a man who you say is your leader over a cliff before you comprehend the danger that awaits? Your veiw of him venturing out to soon is utter nonsense, where would we be if Mr.Pindling thought like you. Nothing happens before it's time, perhaps your the one that isn.t ready. I assure you that Mr. McCartney is. The fact that you lost respect for him because he took a stand for what he believes is right, shows that you never respected him in the first place. I think your just a bitter FNM supporter who seems to think that your party has lost it,s future leader. I too was an FNM supporter but I value and cherish my people and this country above any PARTY.

Androsboy says...

Mrs. Nicolls, I dont think this article is a fair presentation of the DNA party. The DNA hs held a number of town meetings and summits that deals with all of the issues facing our country to day. You have made no reference to none of those events and more importantly what was laid out at the events. Rallies are only used in the Bahamas to rally voter's emotions. So now that the DNA finally has a rally in which it young supporters were calling for, you want to find fault and say that they are just like the two other parties only fluff and empty promises. As a professional in your field I find this article to be a lil bias and Irresponsible. When writing and article of this nature please formulate your opinion/opinions of this party and it's leader based on their whole campaign platform and how they addressed those concerns and how they intend to bring them about given the chance. So please educate yourself about the DNA and their plans for this country before trying to score political brownie points for you and your politically biased daily. Looking forward to your next article. P.S. You can check out the DNA last meeting concerning good governance. Being the Government they can bring about these changes they speak of. Nothing after all is Impossible.