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Andy1 says...

I'm a Canadian and I would like to apologise for the presumptiousness and arrogance of Peter Jacobsen's letter. For one thing, recent polls show that a majority of Canadians would like Canada to become a republic and that most of the rest are ambivalent about the monarchy. Moreover, I can assure that that very few Canadians, if any, have any views on whether or not the Bahamas should become a republic nor do we feel we have the right to tell the Bahamas what type of system of government you should adopt. Investors look at economic stability and opportunity. They could not care less whether your head of state is the Queen or a president. Do what you like with your constitution. Do not pay any mind to meddlers like Mr. Jacobson who would be so arrogant as to tell you what you should decide.

On Republic talk

Posted 13 December 2021, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal