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AnewView says...

Agreed, these lockdowns have been a bitter pill to swallow; however the Minnis administration has done a fair job trying managing this second wave. Ispeakfacts aka Ispewfilth at times, seems to be overly political with his views each and every day with his comments. In my view those are the political operatives who was hopeing for some type uprising in this country. But the Bahamian have remains disciplined during these curfews and the cases are going down

AnewView says...

@ newcitizen
agree with you completely.

For the sake of the Bahamian hotel workers, all other hotels should attempt to reopen following all the health and safety protocols. Bahamar does not seem to want to do any heavy lifting in the countries effort to rebuild the tourism industry. They appear to want other hotels to try it while they sit on the side lines and wait for things to just magically go back to how they use to be. wake up wake up bahamar !!!, youll to BIG BIG to not want be a leader in this effort of the new normal of wearing face mask. what if a vaccine is not available for months and months?????????, then what

AnewView says...

@New citizen agree completely.

All other hotels should try to open following the health protocols as best as possible, we anticipate this new normal to begin slowly but we have to remain hopefull that it grows.
Bahamar seemingly doesn't want any part of the hardwork to rebuilding the tourism industry, they want to wait until other hotels do the heavy lifting and hope things goes back to normal rite away (dey daydreamin).