Comment history

AnonTet says...

Why does he have to be a "Hubert Alexander Ingraham" as you put it? As far as I know, his name is Renardo Curry and thats all he has to be. No need to be someone else.

On Facebook response to Abaco result

Posted 16 October 2012, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal

AnonTet says...

I was very impressed by Anthonique Strachan. As a sports fan, I was very realistic about her chances to advance to the finals against top world class sprinters like Campbell-Brown, Felix, Fraser-Pryce etc. However, she exceeded even my expectations, and performed very well. Both of her times, in the heats and the semifinals, were much better than Debbie Ferguson. She indeed has a bright future, if she remains focused, trains hard and keeps God first. Keep up the good work Anthonique!

AnonTet says...

My sentiments exactly, how can a 16 year old be driving a car, apparently alone, on the streets of the Bahamas? They should have known better. This is indeed sad news, however, we as Bahamians must adhere to being law abiding citizens, and whomever lent him that car in the first place, was not adhering to the laws of the land.

On Tributes paid to 16-year-old

Posted 25 June 2012, 11:01 a.m. Suggest removal

AnonTet says...

BTC is a pile of mess. Vibe down, landline down, internet down, cell service down. Yep, we are certainly better off now that BTC was sold to CWC.

On BTC apologises for network issues

Posted 5 June 2012, 5:31 a.m. Suggest removal

AnonTet says...

I LMAO at just about every line she wrote in that article. "Straw huts", "beach shacks". At one point, it seemed as if she was talking about the story of the three little pigs, the way she mentioned straw, wood (sticks) and bricks so much. What beach can you go on in the Bahamas and see someone living in a "beach shack"? LOL. Poor Nellie, I almost feel bad for her, she really didn't know what she was getting herself into. She probably thought we didn't have internet either, where with us living in straw huts and all.

AnonTet says...

I too was very happy in the way we as Bahamians banded together and defended ourselves against such a misinformed and fallacy-ridden article. And although some of the harsh remarks were not really called for, it shows how passionate we can be when we feel our country is being threatened.

AnonTet says...

PLP can do better and was doing better. When the PLP came to office in 2002, they instituted the very effective Urban Renewal Program that was having a major impact on the level of crimes especially in the inner city areas of NP. When the FNM won, they dismantled Urban Renewal and what happened... record levels of crime every year since they were in power. So you tell me, use your brain and tell me who's plan was actually working???

On Two die in night of violence

Posted 4 May 2012, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal