Comment history

AnthonySeymour95 says...

No need for name calling .... just pointing out facts

AnthonySeymour95 says...

That's a bit harsh. Some people for historical reasons just prefer the PLP. Fighting for majority rule, independence and opportunities for the grassroots

AnthonySeymour95 says...

Unless the FNM and DNA unite to form a credible opposition they will hand a Christie-led PLP the next general election. The PLP may seem unpopular now but there is one thing it can do and that is win an election. The opposition needs to inspire people or we're stuck in another 5 years of Christie rule, like it or not he's a good campaigner.

AnthonySeymour95 says...

Say what you want about the Prime Minister but he is a skilled politician and not a dumby. If you think the Minnis-led FNM will win along with the DNA splitting the anti-PLP vote. With the DNA and FNM fighting each other a Christie-led PLP will cruise to victory, not to mention they have a significant advantage in the Family Islands.