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ApoliTical says...

We don't have copper mines so ban the export completely with only special provisions through a government clearing house. Anyone found operating beyond that minimum sentence **5yrs** in HMP. We could do it to pot heads and gun tooting fools we could do it to business owners who disregard the law.

On Police vexed by copper thefts

Posted 20 June 2012, 4:23 p.m. Suggest removal

ApoliTical says...

That lady Miss Butler-Turner is a feminist and I really can't stomach her. Obviously there should be more female voters cause statistics show there are more females than males, and ladies are not misrepresented, if that's your cry start an all female party. Pandering to women making them feel like **victims** to gain their vote. Politics 101 for the female politician. Yes I studied political science and it's trickery. Guess what if you truly want equality it will cost you women.
Insurance companies charge female driver less gender is used in the calculations do you think that is fair Miss Sexist Butler-Turner what truly is the price of equality is to pay the same rate as men and any true advocate for equality should want women to pay the same as men.
You feminists with manginas would come out the wood works and say it is a gender tax, laughable. I could hear it now statistics show men are more dangerous drivers than women.
If you think statistics no matter how manipulated or altered are a valid reason to charge men more money, then I am sure they would not mind statistics being used in the family courts. So before the judge decides who gets custody they take into consideration statistics of which gender abuses, neglects and murders children the most and award custody to the parent who is considered the safest based on gender statistics.
Mrs. Butler-Turner probably would call me a misogynist, be honest women has more rights than men any day any where in the world except Arab countries. So ladies do be fooled into supporting a lady just cause you share the same sexual organs, or she spouts drivel like she does 95% of the time. To you mrs. uncontested deputy leader the men gave you a free pass still hate us. WHY?

On No contest over FNM leadership

Posted 17 May 2012, 11:05 p.m. Suggest removal

ApoliTical says...

Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham publicly told Mr McKinney to "find (his) own ZNS" and summarily fired him FNM's do you remember

On Radio host claims victimisation

Posted 16 May 2012, 10:29 a.m. Suggest removal

ApoliTical says...

FNM's stop crying it's all part of the game you play politics on your job you get relieved of your position. She wasn't about to stay under a PLP administration either. Stop and ask yourself what would you have done how many persons your mad of for trivial matters and would care less for them. Stop crying man focus on regaining the government rebuild, re-invent and re-vitilized your base. How about Zhivago Laing in the senate bad choice talk about that. The PLP will self destruct as usual so be ready to capitalized with a clear message. The die hards are dying out attract the youth and crying won't do it.

On Radio host claims victimisation

Posted 16 May 2012, 1:08 a.m. Suggest removal

ApoliTical says...

Not bad except for Mr. Laing. What is going through Dr. Minnis' head if he think he there for knowledge bad choice. Come one FNM party lets move forward please. Victimization exists in politics no matter what party you are PLP, FNM, democrat, republican so don't be silly it's all in the game

On FNM senators to be sworn in

Posted 16 May 2012, 12:11 a.m. Suggest removal

ApoliTical says...

This is the exact argument I'm always making with persons when ever I meet them. I couldn't have said it any better.

On Overcoming the party allegiance

Posted 27 April 2012, 9:32 a.m. Suggest removal

ApoliTical says...

I couldn't have said it any better

On ApoliTical

Posted 27 April 2012, 9:28 a.m. Suggest removal