We are not serious about our doctors. On one side of his mouth, Dr. Darville says the Cabinet has decided to recruit doctors from Africa. On the other side of his mouth he said they are losing doctors to North America. Then yet on the other side of his mouth he says he doesn't know how the government will fund the shortages, but they will. Why is it so hard to just simply pay the doctors a reasonable salary and overtime. You give doctors $500.00 a month and say that is for overtime. These guys when on call at least twice a week works from 9:00am until 3:30pm the following day. Yet the government refuses to provide suitable rest room for these doctors. Why can't the government at the very leasy pay them a sensible overtime or change the on call system since they say they need to know who are in the hospital. That is s so petty. I guess when they recruit the doctors from Africa, they will be in the hospital. This is shameful and downright disgraceful.
The other day the PM made some unsavory remarks, and maybe that is why when he gets sick, he goes to the US where his daughter is a doctor. he should bring her home before he calls the kettle black. The Minister Darville says they met with caricom Ministers of Health and want to recruit more nurses and doctors when all we need to do is recruit at home and pay them. Instead what the government wants to do is criticize pretty much what they created. Pay the people a sensible wage to encourage them to remain at home.
One time ago, doctors were respected, but this new day government has shown just how much they respect the doctors, nurses, police officers, customs and immigration officers. The doctors are treated as ordinary people. It is said that if you pull somebody down to your level then you feel good. That is share disrespect.
I think that these unions need to negotiate benefits that would encourage doctors to remain at home and to remain in the system. But the government wants to hire them on contract for a few years and then let them go. Then they leave and take up positions in the US. Dr. Darville needs to be honest with himself and stop posturing as though the doctors just leave. The government doesn't want to hire doctors on the Pensionable and permanent staff. Yet they complain when the doctors contract is up and they leave because they cannot in many cases maintain their employment unless they quote and quote support the government of the day.
This all shows the hypocrisy of politics and politicians. Wen in opposition, politicians make silly statements and promises that they themselves do not believe.
This is what happens when we politicize crime in an effort to make the current government look bad so that we turn the population against the government and give the opposition a better chance to win the government. but when the opposition becomes the government they don’t want people to talk about crime and its impact because the shoes is now on the other feet.
Crime is not a police problem but a societal problem. How we culture our people to either tolerate criminal behaviour or not determines our level of tolerance of deviance. The community and civil leaders, churches and all community leaders and parents must take responsibility for this carnage and politicians need to stop playing this blame game for cheap political mileage.
So Munroe, just like the now prime minister, changes his stance on crime. Remember a few years ago at Potter’s cay when the police moved the vendors from under the bridge, the prime minister and chairman Mitchell had big press conference condemning the then government and the police. But now they are the government, why don’t they allow the vendors back and allow the lawlessness of people parking under the bridge. They fooled the people into believing they supported them and now that we have voted them into government, they play deaf, blind and dumb.
I thought they told the Bahamian people that this crime will stop when they take office, but instead it has gotten worse. Politics, politicians and hypocrisy.
Meanwhile the lawlessness continues and our men and now women are dying almost daily. We are just barely past the halfway point of the year and at 69 murders. God help us because we are well on our way to recording 125 murders this year.
We can play all we want. During the previous FNM government, the police recorded 365 murders. For a government, which said it has the solution to crime, the current PLP government only merely pass the halfway mark and the police have already recorded 367. Gold help us.
The Bahamas say these are banned, but Customs still clear them. The $20,000 fines should be to those officers who clear them and the $100 fine for the users. The thing is the major countries like the United States and the United Kingdom that pushed this ban down our throats still use plastic bags and utensils. This is hogwash and the government is going to hell on a silver platter like a screaming jumping fish. I am not impressed.
We should focus on recycling. Certain types of plastics, such as PET, which accounts for 75% of all plastics can be disposed of through chemical recycling. This process uses a variety of chemicals to reduce a polymer to its original form. This means that it can be used again to create new plastic materials.
We use plastic for water bottles, storage containers, blenders, cooking spoons and some dishes, wrap for our meats, sale of virtually everything in the store except metal cans then we use the plastic bags to carry them home. Then we have or glasses, syringes, interior of our refrigerators, car bumpers and dashboards and interior, our household equipment, medical equipment computers and toys. I guess next we will carry our pots to the grocery store. But the government wants to fine us $20,000 for 'MISUSE' of plastics. How?
We pay an environmental levy of many of these items now and yet the government is not recycling any of our old refrigerators and microwave and cars. What is happening with that millions of dollars?
It was a PLP judge, who stopped the FNM and the same PLP judge now who allowed the PLP government to do it. All politics aside, this needed to be done and must not allow this to happen. again nowhere in the Bahamas. We just need to decide how they will deal with these displaced people, otherwise they are only transferring them from one place to another like hurricane Dorian.
All human beings have the need for physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem and self- actualization, food and shelter. So whether FNM or PLP, the Bahamian tax payers will inevitably absorb the bill to deal with these people.
All I would say is that it’s one thing for people to think you are a fool and another to open your mouth and confirm it.
Dr. Sands is ignorant of the laws even though he was in the ministry dishing out contracts himself. First off, the Public Service Act gives the government the authority to rehire a retiree if it so chooses up to the age of 70. As far as I am aware, Greenslade is only about 63.
The difference is that the FNM chose not to do it as he says, it places a drain on the public purse, yet the FNM government wasted money on other things. The FNM gave contracts to persons who were not qualified for the jobs they were hired to do. Why is the doctor focusing on Greenslade?
This seems like a personal attack by the good doctor and I think he needs to come clean. He has animosity against the former COP ever since Greenslade and him sparred over police statistics and he seems not able to let it go. They have a track record, but as a wannabee leader, I am so disappointed in Dr. Sands. He needs to go and heal and stop making a mockery of politics because he is a bad choice and not qualified to speak.
I saw the names of two permanent secretaries. He did not object to Luther Smith, nor Collin Higgs. There are at least seven others, not including the three already named, who were also appointed permanent secretaries. Did Dr. Sands not see a retiree appointed Director of Immigration and a retiree appointed as commissioner of police? Did he not see the lawful comptroller of customs placed on leave and another appointed to act in her space? Did he not see the commissioner of corrections paced on eave and another acting in his stead? Maybe Dr. Sands has on blinkers and all he sees is Greenslade or is just being a hypocrite. Make it make sense Dr. Sands.
If we don’t like the laws, change them. Dr. Sands should be advocating to make changes. He was there with the same law and did nothing with it. So doctor now tastes his own medicine.
So, Dr Sands I have one thing to say to you sir: “Medice, cura te ipsum “. ‘Physician heal thyself’.
I mean, this is so so sad, but then I look at how the PM was playing with God on Sunday and quoting 2 Chronicles and saying if my people who are called by my name should humble themselves, pray and seek my face, i will forgive their sins and heal their land. My my Mr. Prime Minister Sir, that is not what the bible says. It says in 2 Chronicles 7:14 "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land".
You see Sir, you left of "and turn from their wicked ways". Just like the devil told Adam, " If you eat the fruit of good and evil, you will not surely die even though God told Adam not to eat of the fruit:. But Satan told Adam "man don't mind God, if you eat the fruit, you will not surely die, but you will become just like God" Maybe we have a prime minister who believes he is a god.
Then the COP is another story. He say they will not die or in his words less than 100. Does he believes he is a god also. Too many of these guys when they get status, become a statue and want people to bow down to them. The God I know says he will share his glory with no man. We just need to look at history at all the people who thought themselves so highly.
On one side of his mouth the PM say we will spare no mercy, but on the other side, says pray to God and he will forgive you. He reminds me of the wicked steward with the widow who owed the money.
That said, I pray Lord my God, we have sinned against you. We have turn our faces to evil and have forgotten you. We seek pride over you, We a have embellished hate and anger. We have resorted to murder in word and in deed. We have lied, we steal that which is not ours. We have back stabbed our brothers and our sisters. Oh God, lease forgive us our sins. Forgive us of our wickedness. Forgive us our malice and help us to find a way to peace. Lord I thank you for healing our land and bringing justice and mercy to our land. Forgive our leaders for their lack of understanding and please do not hold this to their charge.
May the Lord bless us and keep us. May the Lord turn His face toward us and make His countenance to shine upon us countenance on us and be gracious to us and gives us His peace.
Ignorance truly is bliss. Sometimes it's better to ask questions when you don't understand. Anyone can write a monologue especially when they have a platform like this purporting to address the issue, but really missed the boat.
This report is biased and leave much questions to be answered.
1. How many many married women have cheated on their husbands at least once? 2. How many married women are living in an adulterous relationship being the adulterer? 3. How many married men have been forced to have sex with their wives? 4. How many men have been physically or mentally abused by their spouse? 7. How many unmarried women have cheated on their boyfriends? probably rhetorical 8. How many women have wrongfully accused their boyfriend or husbands of cheating? 9. How many men have had non consensual sex with their girlfriends? 10. How many men cheated on their girlfriend or spouse because of denial of sex from their girlfriends or spouse?
I am no genius, but these are a few questions that need to be answered to balance this debate. For the record, I do not support abuse of any kind in a relationship. If you want to talk about abuse, then talk about abuse because there is this insatiable appetite for men in our country to be locked up on allegation of 'marital rape', whatever that is. At the very core of marriage is sex as all sex outside of marriage is unlawful, whether forced or consensual. We get married so we can have sex without a guilty conscience.
Now we have the various first Human Rights, organizations, then, 'Women's Right', then 'Equal Right' then 'Gender Neutrality Rights', 'Gay Right's', 'Lesbian Right's', now we have the 'LGBTQ and LGBTQI and God knows what else we can expect. The sanctity of marriage will be lost and so does the value for the selfish ambition of a few over the many.
So they get what they want, then we have civil unions, where any two people, mam and man, woman and woman, man and woman and I guess LGBTQ and LGBTQ or I, can agree to be spouse and may live together and seek recognition from the masses of us. Then they will want insurance rights, benefits and pension rights, banking rights and rights to have or adopt other children to be brought up in their lifestyles.
So what is the true reason for this urgent call marital rape legislation, when many of those who are calling for it are not married themselves. The research is flawed and the premise for the requested legislation is flawed.
The Bahamas signed on to the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), which was adopted by the United Nations in 1981 and ratified by The Bahamas in 1993.
Perhaps the spirit of the CDAW convention needs to be revisited, because every time this discussion is held it seems, one faction over another wants to reign supreme. I contend that although the research by UB seems to focused primarily on the abuse of married women by their spouse, perhaps a holistic review of the issues affecting the abuse or mistreatment of men by their girlfriends, husbands by their wives, or those in LGBTQ relationships have not been adequately addressed or perhaps are lost at sea.
If the PM didn't fire Minister Bell, it means that he supports him. We supposed to be following the Westminster system and so when a minister gets caught up in unorthodox situation, he or she should resign. At the very least tender his resignation and let the PM reject it. The people then should call for his resignation or fire him. Our politicians are not accountable because we have given them this seemingly unfettered power over us.
UK Prime Theresa May resigned as Prime Minister after two vote of no confidence and her Brexit plans faced opposition. Prime Minister Boris Johnson was caught hosting a party during COVID lock down and was forced to resign. Prime Minister Liz Truss was forced to resign after her budget was rejected even though unemployment was on the decline.
We are supposed to be following the UK Westminster model, whatever that is and as such at least three acts by Minister Bell have occurred where he should have resigned. This is resign from Cabinet and not as a member of parliament and I think we have to appreciate the difference. The electorate will fire them at election since we have no system of recall.
So now we have the Minister of Transport, Minister of Immigration and the (prime Minister of Abaco) I mean the Parliamentary Secretary representing the prime minister in Abaco, the Minister of Works over the BPL scandal and the Minister of National Security on the periphery, but I guess the gaffs do not add up.
Apostle says...
We are not serious about our doctors. On one side of his mouth, Dr. Darville says the Cabinet has decided to recruit doctors from Africa. On the other side of his mouth he said they are losing doctors to North America. Then yet on the other side of his mouth he says he doesn't know how the government will fund the shortages, but they will. Why is it so hard to just simply pay the doctors a reasonable salary and overtime. You give doctors $500.00 a month and say that is for overtime. These guys when on call at least twice a week works from 9:00am until 3:30pm the following day. Yet the government refuses to provide suitable rest room for these doctors. Why can't the government at the very leasy pay them a sensible overtime or change the on call system since they say they need to know who are in the hospital. That is s so petty. I guess when they recruit the doctors from Africa, they will be in the hospital. This is shameful and downright disgraceful.
The other day the PM made some unsavory remarks, and maybe that is why when he gets sick, he goes to the US where his daughter is a doctor. he should bring her home before he calls the kettle black. The Minister Darville says they met with caricom Ministers of Health and want to recruit more nurses and doctors when all we need to do is recruit at home and pay them. Instead what the government wants to do is criticize pretty much what they created. Pay the people a sensible wage to encourage them to remain at home.
One time ago, doctors were respected, but this new day government has shown just how much they respect the doctors, nurses, police officers, customs and immigration officers. The doctors are treated as ordinary people. It is said that if you pull somebody down to your level then you feel good. That is share disrespect.
I think that these unions need to negotiate benefits that would encourage doctors to remain at home and to remain in the system. But the government wants to hire them on contract for a few years and then let them go. Then they leave and take up positions in the US. Dr. Darville needs to be honest with himself and stop posturing as though the doctors just leave. The government doesn't want to hire doctors on the Pensionable and permanent staff. Yet they complain when the doctors contract is up and they leave because they cannot in many cases maintain their employment unless they quote and quote support the government of the day.
On Doctors resume talks with govt
Posted 25 January 2025, 3:43 p.m. Suggest removal
Apostle says...
This all shows the hypocrisy of politics and politicians. Wen in opposition, politicians make silly statements and promises that they themselves do not believe.
This is what happens when we politicize crime in an effort to make the current government look bad so that we turn the population against the government and give the opposition a better chance to win the government. but when the opposition becomes the government they don’t want people to talk about crime and its impact because the shoes is now on the other feet.
Crime is not a police problem but a societal problem. How we culture our people to either tolerate criminal behaviour or not determines our level of tolerance of deviance. The community and civil leaders, churches and all community leaders and parents must take responsibility for this carnage and politicians need to stop playing this blame game for cheap political mileage.
So Munroe, just like the now prime minister, changes his stance on crime. Remember a few years ago at Potter’s cay when the police moved the vendors from under the bridge, the prime minister and chairman Mitchell had big press conference condemning the then government and the police. But now they are the government, why don’t they allow the vendors back and allow the lawlessness of people parking under the bridge. They fooled the people into believing they supported them and now that we have voted them into government, they play deaf, blind and dumb.
I thought they told the Bahamian people that this crime will stop when they take office, but instead it has gotten worse. Politics, politicians and hypocrisy.
Meanwhile the lawlessness continues and our men and now women are dying almost daily. We are just barely past the halfway point of the year and at 69 murders. God help us because we are well on our way to recording 125 murders this year.
We can play all we want. During the previous FNM government, the police recorded 365 murders. For a government, which said it has the solution to crime, the current PLP government only merely pass the halfway mark and the police have already recorded 367. Gold help us.
On Munroe says he always had faith in police force
Posted 19 July 2024, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal
Apostle says...
The Bahamas say these are banned, but Customs still clear them. The $20,000 fines should be to those officers who clear them and the $100 fine for the users. The thing is the major countries like the United States and the United Kingdom that pushed this ban down our throats still use plastic bags and utensils. This is hogwash and the government is going to hell on a silver platter like a screaming jumping fish. I am not impressed.
We should focus on recycling. Certain types of plastics, such as PET, which accounts for 75% of all plastics can be disposed of through chemical recycling. This process uses a variety of chemicals to reduce a polymer to its original form. This means that it can be used again to create new plastic materials.
We use plastic for water bottles, storage containers, blenders, cooking spoons and some dishes, wrap for our meats, sale of virtually everything in the store except metal cans then we use the plastic bags to carry them home. Then we have or glasses, syringes, interior of our refrigerators, car bumpers and dashboards and interior, our household equipment, medical equipment computers and toys. I guess next we will carry our pots to the grocery store. But the government wants to fine us $20,000 for 'MISUSE' of plastics. How?
We pay an environmental levy of many of these items now and yet the government is not recycling any of our old refrigerators and microwave and cars. What is happening with that millions of dollars?
On Authorities will be able to issue environmental ‘spot fines’ when new regulations pass
Posted 7 March 2024, 4:55 p.m. Suggest removal
Apostle says...
It was a PLP judge, who stopped the FNM and the same PLP judge now who allowed the PLP government to do it. All politics aside, this needed to be done and must not allow this to happen. again nowhere in the Bahamas. We just need to decide how they will deal with these displaced people, otherwise they are only transferring them from one place to another like hurricane Dorian.
All human beings have the need for physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem and self- actualization, food and shelter. So whether FNM or PLP, the Bahamian tax payers will inevitably absorb the bill to deal with these people.
I wish them all the best.
On DEMOLITION OF 100 SHANTY HOMES BEGINS: Residents hurry to get personal items before structures destroyed
Posted 28 February 2024, 9:37 a.m. Suggest removal
Apostle says...
All I would say is that it’s one thing for people to think you are a fool and another to open your mouth and confirm it.
Dr. Sands is ignorant of the laws even though he was in the ministry dishing out contracts himself. First off, the Public Service Act gives the government the authority to rehire a retiree if it so chooses up to the age of 70. As far as I am aware, Greenslade is only about 63.
The difference is that the FNM chose not to do it as he says, it places a drain on the public purse, yet the FNM government wasted money on other things. The FNM gave contracts to persons who were not qualified for the jobs they were hired to do. Why is the doctor focusing on Greenslade?
This seems like a personal attack by the good doctor and I think he needs to come clean. He has animosity against the former COP ever since Greenslade and him sparred over police statistics and he seems not able to let it go. They have a track record, but as a wannabee leader, I am so disappointed in Dr. Sands. He needs to go and heal and stop making a mockery of politics because he is a bad choice and not qualified to speak.
I saw the names of two permanent secretaries. He did not object to Luther Smith, nor Collin Higgs. There are at least seven others, not including the three already named, who were also appointed permanent secretaries. Did Dr. Sands not see a retiree appointed Director of Immigration and a retiree appointed as commissioner of police? Did he not see the lawful comptroller of customs placed on leave and another appointed to act in her space? Did he not see the commissioner of corrections paced on eave and another acting in his stead? Maybe Dr. Sands has on blinkers and all he sees is Greenslade or is just being a hypocrite. Make it make sense Dr. Sands.
If we don’t like the laws, change them. Dr. Sands should be advocating to make changes. He was there with the same law and did nothing with it. So doctor now tastes his own medicine.
So, Dr Sands I have one thing to say to you sir: “Medice, cura te ipsum “. ‘Physician heal thyself’.
On Sands blasts Greenslade’s Immigration appointment
Posted 16 February 2024, 2:22 p.m. Suggest removal
Apostle says...
I mean, this is so so sad, but then I look at how the PM was playing with God on Sunday and quoting 2 Chronicles and saying if my people who are called by my name should humble themselves, pray and seek my face, i will forgive their sins and heal their land. My my Mr. Prime Minister Sir, that is not what the bible says. It says in 2 Chronicles 7:14 "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land".
You see Sir, you left of "and turn from their wicked ways". Just like the devil told Adam, " If you eat the fruit of good and evil, you will not surely die even though God told Adam not to eat of the fruit:. But Satan told Adam "man don't mind God, if you eat the fruit, you will not surely die, but you will become just like God" Maybe we have a prime minister who believes he is a god.
Then the COP is another story. He say they will not die or in his words less than 100. Does he believes he is a god also. Too many of these guys when they get status, become a statue and want people to bow down to them. The God I know says he will share his glory with no man. We just need to look at history at all the people who thought themselves so highly.
On one side of his mouth the PM say we will spare no mercy, but on the other side, says pray to God and he will forgive you. He reminds me of the wicked steward with the widow who owed the money.
That said, I pray Lord my God, we have sinned against you. We have turn our faces to evil and have forgotten you. We seek pride over you, We a have embellished hate and anger. We have resorted to murder in word and in deed. We have lied, we steal that which is not ours. We have back stabbed our brothers and our sisters. Oh God, lease forgive us our sins. Forgive us of our wickedness. Forgive us our malice and help us to find a way to peace. Lord I thank you for healing our land and bringing justice and mercy to our land. Forgive our leaders for their lack of understanding and please do not hold this to their charge.
May the Lord bless us and keep us. May the Lord turn His face toward us and make His countenance to shine upon us countenance on us and be gracious to us and gives us His peace.
On Two men shot dead in separate incidents
Posted 17 January 2024, 3:44 p.m. Suggest removal
Apostle says...
Tribune I noticed you'll didn't report several homicides. Your numbers are off by about 10.
On Murder count at 80 as Man shot dead on Malcolm Road
Posted 20 October 2023, 12:04 a.m. Suggest removal
Apostle says...
Ignorance truly is bliss. Sometimes it's better to ask questions when you don't understand. Anyone can write a monologue especially when they have a platform like this purporting to address the issue, but really missed the boat.
On ALICIA WALLACE: Are we protecting criminals while violence victims struggle to survive?
Posted 30 August 2023, 10:53 p.m. Suggest removal
Apostle says...
This report is biased and leave much questions to be answered.
1. How many many married women have cheated on their husbands at least once?
2. How many married women are living in an adulterous relationship being the adulterer?
3. How many married men have been forced to have sex with their wives?
4. How many men have been physically or mentally abused by their spouse?
7. How many unmarried women have cheated on their boyfriends? probably rhetorical
8. How many women have wrongfully accused their boyfriend or husbands of cheating?
9. How many men have had non consensual sex with their girlfriends?
10. How many men cheated on their girlfriend or spouse because of denial of sex from their girlfriends or spouse?
I am no genius, but these are a few questions that need to be answered to balance this debate. For the record, I do not support abuse of any kind in a relationship. If you want to talk about abuse, then talk about abuse because there is this insatiable appetite for men in our country to be locked up on allegation of 'marital rape', whatever that is. At the very core of marriage is sex as all sex outside of marriage is unlawful, whether forced or consensual. We get married so we can have sex without a guilty conscience.
Now we have the various first Human Rights, organizations, then, 'Women's Right', then 'Equal Right' then 'Gender Neutrality Rights', 'Gay Right's', 'Lesbian Right's', now we have the 'LGBTQ and LGBTQI and God knows what else we can expect. The sanctity of marriage will be lost and so does the value for the selfish ambition of a few over the many.
So they get what they want, then we have civil unions, where any two people, mam and man, woman and woman, man and woman and I guess LGBTQ and LGBTQ or I, can agree to be spouse and may live together and seek recognition from the masses of us. Then they will want insurance rights, benefits and pension rights, banking rights and rights to have or adopt other children to be brought up in their lifestyles.
So what is the true reason for this urgent call marital rape legislation, when many of those who are calling for it are not married themselves. The research is flawed and the premise for the requested legislation is flawed.
The Bahamas signed on to the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), which was adopted by the United Nations in 1981 and ratified by The Bahamas in 1993.
Perhaps the spirit of the CDAW convention needs to be revisited, because every time this discussion is held it seems, one faction over another wants to reign supreme. I contend that although the research by UB seems to focused primarily on the abuse of married women by their spouse, perhaps a holistic review of the issues affecting the abuse or mistreatment of men by their girlfriends, husbands by their wives, or those in LGBTQ relationships have not been adequately addressed or perhaps are lost at sea.
On UB study finds 1-in-4 women knew their partner cheated
Posted 21 August 2023, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal
Apostle says...
If the PM didn't fire Minister Bell, it means that he supports him. We supposed to be following the Westminster system and so when a minister gets caught up in unorthodox situation, he or she should resign. At the very least tender his resignation and let the PM reject it. The people then should call for his resignation or fire him. Our politicians are not accountable because we have given them this seemingly unfettered power over us.
UK Prime Theresa May resigned as Prime Minister after two vote of no confidence and her Brexit plans faced opposition. Prime Minister Boris Johnson was caught hosting a party during COVID lock down and was forced to resign. Prime Minister Liz Truss was forced to resign after her budget was rejected even though unemployment was on the decline.
We are supposed to be following the UK Westminster model, whatever that is and as such at least three acts by Minister Bell have occurred where he should have resigned. This is resign from Cabinet and not as a member of parliament and I think we have to appreciate the difference. The electorate will fire them at election since we have no system of recall.
So now we have the Minister of Transport, Minister of Immigration and the (prime Minister of Abaco) I mean the Parliamentary Secretary representing the prime minister in Abaco, the Minister of Works over the BPL scandal and the Minister of National Security on the periphery, but I guess the gaffs do not add up.
On The PM said Immigration Minister Keith Bell didn't need to resign for overseeing a citizenship swearing-in ceremony at a funeral. Following that and another controversy regarding workers at the British Colonial Hotel, do you think he should resign?
Posted 22 July 2023, 4:54 p.m. Suggest removal