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Apostle says...

The good commissioner is speaking about murders up to March. The truth is today there ares today there is one more murders than last year this same time. He can fool the people in Trinidad, but meantime, there was another bullet riddled body of a woman pulled from the South Beach canal on Wednesday.

Apostle says...

I'm not a statistician, but not sure whether they are just counting new births and death, school enrollments, voters list, NIB contribution, and legal migration. I have lived in two different communities since 2010 and have never seen anybody from the census bureau nor have I ever completed any questionnaire.

Apostle says...

The Bahamas does not buy oil nor gasoline from the Unirwd States.

Apostle says...

That is a ceremony and an honour guard for the Chief Justice. That's not a waste of time.

On Chief Justice defends judiciary

Posted 13 January 2023, 12:25 a.m. Suggest removal

Apostle says...

Brave want so bad the FNM to fail. That is so sad. I really want whomever leads the country to succeed and be fair. We have gone so far from trying to be fair to trying to get even. Politics in The Bahamas are disgraceful. We need unemployment o drop lower than 6%. I have yet to hear the PLP tell how they will fix everything they accuse the FNM of "messing up".

Don't get me wrong now. The FNM frigged up on some things, but nothing to compare to what the PLP did. They all need to go and pray and turn from their wicked ways so that God can heal this land.

Apostle says...

These unions of full of it. It wasn't a problem with unionised teachers working overtime on weekends. Why didn't she object to that? Now that the money is in the bank she say it was a bad idea. Will muddoes.

On Wilson: Change exam timetable

Posted 14 January 2020, 6:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Apostle says...

Bla, bla, bla. Where he came from again? Go back to sleep man.

On PLP: Over-the-Hill initiative has failed

Posted 11 January 2020, 8:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Apostle says...

This is most unfortunate when guys get into politics without knowing the rules of the game.

On ‘Miller went downhill after being dismissed’

Posted 18 December 2019, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

Apostle says...

Does anybody still listen to this chap? I thought he retired.

Apostle says...

This is the best thing that Reece could have done. Simply leave the party. The next best thing he should do is to resign his seat and let the PLP and FNM fight for it since he says he left because of the FNM's handling of the hurricane and see how the people whom he represents thinks because I am quite sure he did not consult them before making his move.

The prime minister made a big mistake in appointing him to the Antiquities and Monuments Department without first doing his home work. I noticed above that someone talked about "a rat jumping off a sinking ship", well I can say one that that the prime minister had put the 'rat to watch the cheese' and he jumped off the ship with the cheese. That same string will drown him. He is like the mutinous sailor who must walk the plank. Instead he jumped but obviously didn't realize that sharks don't eat cheese. They eat people.