Comment history

Apostle says...

OK Darren. Be quiet. You had your time. Thank God for the PLP hey?

Apostle says...

Please Fred, no time for your pandering. The PLP changed the outcome of the gambling referendum and enacted the law to facilitate an illegal enterprise making it legal.You forget quick.

Apostle says...

Please Glenys Please go and sit down. When did you become so concerned for anybody? Oh yes, you wanted internet for your constituents. Nobody interested in your posturing. Where the hell are you right now and how long have you been there? show some common sense. We have been talking about this storm for over a week now. Those who rely on the Department of Social Services are acknowledged. They were advised to collect their supplies and they may go to the shelter.

You are trying to posture for your leadership bid of the PLP. Please don't do it here. You may express yourself, but I am really not interested in what you are trying to do here.

Shucks man, go and secure you home and allow the workers to do the same. These are not essential services.

Apostle says...

March on guys. With Fred in the middle you are already doomed. Youll just like Fred: dot get the message that the Bahamian people rejected him.

Apostle says...

Fred Mitchell you still don't get it. The Bahamian people reject you and the PLP. Please stop spewing your venom and calling people nasty because if the truth be told there is more nastiness in your camp and maybe that is why it hurts you so much. How come only you, Brave and a few others only see everything as a problem?

Your problem is you seem to believe that only the PLP is qualified and has a right to run this country. Get over it man and sit small. The media is not the place to fight your leadership bid though I support you for leadership of the PLP. That way I am sure not to worry about seeing the PLP as government next time around because quite frankly you are too smart and arrogant for yourself.

You lost you seat man. Get over it and shut the hell up. I am sick and tired of your tirades. Go sit under the tree and enjoy your pipe.

Apostle says...

Brave you don't need to apologize. Just don't expect forgiveness. In your words "it's an immutable law".

On No need for me to say sorry, insists Davis

Posted 4 August 2017, 12:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Apostle says...

The commissioner did not say that he was being forced out, nor did the government say that he was asked to resign. So what is Cash point? An opportunity to say to the COP that he hates him? Quite frankly he could call the commissioner and tell him that. What is wrong with retiring? The Constitution of The Bahamas is explicit as to how a commissioner is appointed and how one is disappointed or fired.

119. (1) Power to make appointments to the office of Commissioner of Police and Deputy Commissioner of Police shall be vested in the Governor-General acting on the recommendation of the Prime Minister after consultation with the Leader of the Opposition.

120. (1) The Commissioner of Police and Deputy Commissioner of Police may be removed from office by the Governor-General but shall not be removed except in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (2) of this Article.

(2) The Commissioner of Police or Deputy Commissioner of Police shall be removed from office by the Governor-General if the question of his removal from office has been referred to a tribunal appointed under paragraph (3) of this Article and the tribunal has recommended to the Governor-General that he ought to be removed from office. (This has not happened.

So as articulate as Cash wants to sound the Minister has no role in removing a sitting commissioner and the constitution sets out just how that should be. Last I know the commissioner is still in office. He was NOT suspended and has nothing to fight.

As a matter of fact, I would say one thing to Cash and that is when you live in glass house you don't throw stones. Your comments are premature and seems to be a grandstand and posturing. Please do NOT mention BOB. Stay in his zone because the two do not compare.

On Police chief urged to fight removal

Posted 18 July 2017, 4:35 p.m. Suggest removal