Comment history

Arob says...

Their antagonists are dead. The surviving criminals have been taught a lesson, "thief from me, an ya dead". "I in charge don challenge me.".

This has nothing to do with Urban Renewal. Read up on the types of criminals, neither the law nor death deters their mission.

Arob says...

Who pays? Land owner or government?

Do not ignore the contradiction. On one hand we are told to keep the mature trees on our property (air quality/global warming) and on the other hand government agencies are conducting 100% clearing.

We do not plan, we just rush in, and when our shortfalls are pointed out, we become defensive and our response becomes irrational.

Arob says...

Urban Renewal has an office in Fox Hill. Note, there is no clear delineation of the boundaries. However, Mt. Vernon does not fall in the categories. I would like to know WHO is pays for work outside of the UR area.

If I were the accountant for the UR Commission, I would forward the invoice to the RBPF.

Arob says...

Please stop talking and act.
Let's begin with an analysis of the 2012 election contributions. This election raised flags for the international observers. All of the parties had accountants (somebody) responsible for the documentation of receipt and disbursement of funds. First, tell us the amount of contributions received by the party and second, tell us the amount of contributions received by the candidates.
bcp; dna; fnm; Independent; PLP

Arob says...

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive”
Sir Walter Scott

Arob says...

“Equipping Parliamentarians in a Changing World”

As mentioned, the current PM is one of several members of parliament who did not consider a constituency office necessary during the non-campaigning period. Perhaps we can get some clarity on the role of the constituency office.
(We must differentiate between the office of a sitting member of parliament from the office created for the sole purpose of political campaign.)

Size of constituency (1) number of constituents, (2) population sparsity/density, and (3) location of constituency

*PM’s example:* The MICAL constituency (Mayaguana - 271 population, Inagua -911 population, Crooked Island -1503 population, Acklins - 560 population, and Long Cay.…

Registered voters: 1,374

Technology education (Proper use of technology: Skype, Internet, Twitter, Facebook, Email, Online videos, Live streaming, Conference calls etc.)
Ensure installation of technology (BTC and Cable Bahamas)
Use of technology

Arob says...

Minister of State for Finance Michael Halkitis “it is expected that the full plan and the new framework of rules, which will be codified in legislation, will be presented to Parliament within the coming weeks with the full support of all of the major stakeholders.

the other stakeholders: The Bahamian people


Will we, the Bahamian people, be appraised of the Mortgage Relief Programme’s “full plan and the new framework of rules” before it is “codified in legislation”? We expect that Government members will 'toe the line' and rubber stamp the the legislation.

Ryan Pinder, Elizabeth MP and Financial Services Minister “said... the PLP believe in transparency and would not do anything to manipulate the system to gain an advantage.”

On Talks on mortage relief plan

Posted 27 July 2012, 1:06 a.m. Suggest removal

Arob says...

Is Sir Arlington Butler responsible for the adulteration of a comon term for a banking instrument "promissory note" to a "letter of resignation"?

PM Christie may not have spoken with the Speaker, but it is possible that a bitter Sir Arlington could have lead the strategy. (bitter is culled from his recent interviews). On Thursday, the PM was singing from the same page.

Is Sir Arlington the puppeteer?

Arob says...

The members of the opposition were "passive" during and after the Speaker's reading of his determination of promissory note vs resignation.

question for dr. minnis, Leader of the Opposition, and Mr. Neko Grant, opposition leader of the house.
Did you, gentlemen, ensure that everything was in place for the former PM to make his farewell address. That is, did you confirm that his address was included on the agenda?

Did you, gentlemen, in a point of disorder, rise and ask for the former PM to speak?

On FNM speaks out over exit

Posted 26 July 2012, 4:53 p.m. Suggest removal