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Arrow says...

So the judge is able to rule correctly on other matter but when it comes to the idiot minister she is questioned. I am sure she made a decision within the constraints of the law and if she err why hasn't the attorney general not spoken out. Members of parliament must be mindful that they are put there to advance the cause of the people and not to act reckless and irresponsible. If you do the crime pay the time!

Arrow says...

Go Doc!Go Doc! Loretta and Sands please sit small. The country not ready for leaders who put Bahamians second, Loretta if this shoe does not fit you speak with your running mate and be surprised by his response.

On Butler-Turner: I’m stronger

Posted 27 July 2016, 10:15 a.m. Suggest removal

Arrow says...

Commarde Minnis, Remain steadfast! Remain Resolute in promoting a better Bahamas. You have the support of the greater majority who believe that family name and money has nothing to do with running the country.

On Arrow

Posted 13 July 2016, 3:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Arrow says...

Minister Mitchell excellent job with immigration issues. Your party will be beaten in the next election but you are doing and excellent job! Please leave things in place so that whoever is your successor will also continue to do a good job. Now if minister of Education can learn form this maybe we can move forward.

Arrow says...

Immigration department keep up the good work! Just one thing what about capturing and sending back the many undocumented illegal Jamaicans, working in the homes of many affluent Bahamians. I have never heard a Haitian bad mouth the Bahamas but Jamaicans do it all the time and if here illegally please leave!

Arrow says...

Poor BEC workers,working so hard away from their families . Cry me a river many Bahamians in other fields work just as hard or even harder and how many of them you see striking. BEC workers are among the best paid in the country and if cutting back on overtime will save the country money then by all means do it. I salute you Lesile Miller for taking hard stance, if they turn off the lights then they too will be in darkness. " don't fit off your nose to spite your face". I'm out writing by candle light

On Sparks fly as BEC row grows

Posted 26 November 2014, 3:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Arrow says...

we will take 2017 hands down. FNM all the way!! Our leadership team is solid and the machine will continue to roll.FNM all the way!. I think Loretta should get national security cause she has shown more tenacity, grit and fearlessness in her campaign that if she is elected minster of national security i have no doubt we will see a change.

On Minnis pays tribute to opponent Loretta

Posted 23 November 2014, 1:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Arrow says...

Congratulations to Dr. Minnis, Mr. Turnquest and Mr. Pintard now work together to become the united front that we need to make the country better. It is no longer about defeating the PLP at the poles but it is to ensure that hard working Bahamians have a country that we can be proud of. That nonsense does not become the order of the day and Bahamians are put first.2017 here we come!

Arrow says...

Really! Let em swing! Now you gat my vote.

Arrow says...

Please!please! Let 2017 come as a matter of fact call a bye election so these jokers can be gone. At this rate of incompetence we may not have a Bahamaland to call home. Simply Incompetent!

On Nottage: We are still assessing over crime

Posted 20 November 2014, 3:15 p.m. Suggest removal