Comment history

Arrow says...

Mr. Minister job well done! Now once you clean up immigration may I suggest you move over to national security and clean that up. You have made a proper stance without emotion and you have taken an aggressive position. Now I encourage you to help your colleague to deal with crime in an unapologetic stern manner. P.s " keep on keeping on.."

Arrow says...

Let us be mature about this Loretta not that you are a bad leader but, Dr.Minnis is just much better. He is much more cordial and like the leaders of the past has a humane touch. Say what you want about the previous and present Prime minister they all connected with people making them feel special. I will admit that you have a far greater grip on reality than Duane sands so I would say mop the decks ,fix your compass, steady the ship and brave the weather to bring the ship home as deputy Prime minister.

Arrow says...

It is good that we are being proactive but before we go and blow the about a national campaign against Diabetes and hypertension when last I checked has claimed more lives than Ebola and can be treated with much more success . The reality is if Ebola God forbid comes to our doors it has the potential to claim many lives. But we can not even stop the spread of many other vector borne illnesses. My advice to the government , stop, relax breathe and approach with clarity of thought and not a knee jerk reaction.

Arrow says...

Dr. Bernard Nottage you are not suited for the job! Irrespective of political affiliation you are just not up to the task. We the people who mistakenly, entrusted you with our well being have been saddely made to bear the mask of shame ,fear and utter disbelief. While we know that you personally are not committing the crimes you are not proving to be a distraction to the criminal element. What policy's have you implemented, hard decisions need to be made, the problem of crime must be tackled aggressively meet with the stakeholders and have a Damn Plan! enough is enough! your brain is old and your approach archaic let Mr. Bell or someone else with expertise far greater than a damn Doctor at treating criminals do the job.

On Shot dead at home defending parents

Posted 29 October 2014, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Arrow says...

He'll no! Trying winning your seat first then try having the common touch. Just some advice keep being a doctor and leave politics for someone with a real interest in making a difference.

On Sands aims to become FNM deputy leader

Posted 16 October 2014, 3:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Arrow says...

The way I see it Loretta stand down it is not your time yet and honestly your time may never come but do not disgrace your self and the party when your foot is on the neck of the PLP and they are clinching at one last breath. You will be deputy cause Dr.sands is not well liked and I'm sorry a tiger never changes it's stripes. Dr. Minnis hold strong be strong be very perceptive and pray for discernment because in the party there are many wolves disguised as sheep.

Arrow says...

Really Perry Gomez! Really! Too early! Come on man I know it's not your money and so you have no vested interest but , really! This is utter nonsense to the highest degree .......please enjoy your last and only term in office cause come next election you gone!

Arrow says...

Can people in authority make mistakes? can politicians/religious leaders make mistakes? Do two wrongs make one right? Both leaders perhaps have made mistakes in the past and may make more mistakes in the future but, i do believe the public airing of matters could have been settled in a more professional manner. Dr.Munroe could you not have sent Mr. Mitchell an email or arrange a meeting? Mr. mitchell could you in your capacity as minister of foregin affairs speak only to the rules and views of the country personal beliefs have no place when representing a sovereign nation. i think both men have justified positions but let us agree to disagree and get on with moving the Bahamas forward

On Mitchell to Munroe: Don’t mess with me

Posted 7 March 2014, 4:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Arrow says...

Should who someone sleeps with determine how good or bad they are at performing their duties? I do not agree with the lifestyle of LGBT i do not agree with the promiscuity of heterosexuals. i do however, believe in performance!

Arrow says...

We are at crossroads in our country, narrow is the way for commonsense and the rule of law aand wide is the path for lawlessness. What was the purpose of a gambling referendum? what was the purpose of bringing consultants to discuss gambling? was it all just a fascade to make ordinary Bahamians believe that we have a say in the running of this country. To every young Bahamian please get educated because then and only then can nonsense get checked. Truly a sad day " be not deceived God is not mocked" we shall ALL reap whatsoever we sow! the sunshines on the just and the unjust!