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AverageJoe says...

Why not level the playing field. The criminals have guns with no respect for the law. Anyone that goes thru the legal application and vetting process should not be denied once they meet the standards. How many shootings can be proven to be done by law abiding citizens with legally obtained (licensed) firearms (shotguns)? This whole thing of "average citizens not being ready" is a load of horse manure mixed in with cow dung. I have had training, as I would imagine the police officers have also and neither myself or they are allowed to possess a handgun. Even in the U.S. the criminals with unlicensed weapons are the individuals commiting the crimes with said weapons. Having the ability to link a particular person with a firearm is a great safeguard against that person using it recklessly and also a tool to prosecute should they choose to do so. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Did Prince Hepburn use a gun to kill Nellie Brown? Should we stop selling machetes? Are the authorities saying that average Bahamians are nothing more than savages unable to control themselves? Better get rid of all weapons in the Bahamas. Then we can eat with our hands because we'll have no tableware.