Comment history

AwayInSchool says...

Please dont be one of those Bahamians that only read headlines and not actual news articles.

AwayInSchool says...

Actually, 3 candidates got their deposits back. It's called mathematics... oh right, D average...

AwayInSchool says...

I think Bahamians need to learn the definition of an "opportunist". It is: "a person who exploits circumstances to gain immediate advantage rather than being guided by consistent principles or plans."

McCartney gained little to no advantage by going third party and that was predictable. The man lost his seat and guess what? He didn't run back to a major party, he's still fighting. That is not opportunism. Maybe it isn't boldness either, but it's not opportunism. Rollins and Wells on the other hand have been in 3 parties in less than 5 years, going with what is perceived to be popular at the moment. If they went the other way around that would be different.

AwayInSchool says...

I think you need to learn the definition of "opportunist". "a person who exploits circumstances to gain immediate advantage rather than being guided by consistent principles or plans."

McCartney gained little to no advantage by going third party and that was predictable. The man lost his seat and guess what? He didn't run back to a major party, he's still fighting. That is not opportunism. Maybe it isn't boldness either, but it's not opportunism.

AwayInSchool says...

You ARE the political norm. Crime did not decrease under your party's watch either.

AwayInSchool says...

I get what you're saying, but McCartney has said the same too. Just wanted to bring some facts to the table, I too think he should base his campaign around it though to dispel any doubts

AwayInSchool says...

Ummm, you have it backwards. Everyone knows McCartney was a good rep ... if anything the FNM running Stuart split his vote.

AwayInSchool says...

Their deputy chairman was saying in a video on Facebook the other day that they will investigate the deals of this government and haul persons committing illegal activities before the courts.

AwayInSchool says...

At the time when he originally made his statement he said "id rather lose the election and save one life than win the election and lose many lives." The way he said it this time was just more confusing.