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BBBB says...

Of course they all die, there are no real hospitals, which could easily save their lives. Why is the Bahamas so far behind in medical care? A clinic is not a trauma center in a hospital.
bahamas needs hospitals.

BBBB says...

I feel very unwelcome here by immigration every time I enter the airport or have to deal with the government or court services, to say that Bahamian govt employees are unfriendly is a compliment, they are rude, hostel, & anti foreign to say the least. Myself & my dog were viciously attacked by an unknown male& the lady at the magistrate court tried to have me deported & sent immigration to my house shortly after I picked up the order of protection papers. The clerk sent immigration to my rented house, & Ive since moved. Now that Bahamian family isn't getting its rent, on time, from. Now they are out that income because i was unsafe, from hostile govt!!!! i have to be in fear of civil servants that don't want me, a white America here using the court system to protect myself against a Bahamian. When I went to the police, Dect Fergerson wouldn't even give me the name of my attacker, he said, & I quote, " He has the same rights as u, black or white" WTF. The whole station turned to him. I said, I was told by the courts that in order to protect myself, I need a order for it, but I don't have the right to know my attacker. This country is beautiful, i wish I could say the same for the people in local govt.
can't even get a thank you or have a nice day the the grocery store. Ive grew up 1 1/2 outside of Chicago, Ive worked in downtown LA & Only NOW do I know what racism is.
Why would people carry their most valuable documents in Nassau? so the could be robbed? Tourist get robbed& murdered here more than anywhere in the Caribbean. Its the most dangerous city in the Caribbean. Being white is a crime.