Comment history

BMW says...

Just who blocked izmirilians attempt at filing for bankruptcy?

BMW says...

Hope all your plp crooks gotta go to NY. LMAO

BMW says...

So happy for Izmirilian, I hope all the dirty dealings by Christie and co come out! Better yet would like to see them on the stand in NY. You cant lie and bullshit in court and get away with it. get em izzy.

BMW says...

Tal you have to be the most ignorant jackass in the Bahamas! The present Administration has done more for Grand Bahama the your ass wipe yellow shirts did in two terms.

BMW says...

You are a dumb fuc#

On Junkanoo bribery report ‘finished’

Posted 3 April 2019, 11:34 a.m. Suggest removal

BMW says...

I respect Mr. Gibson for the job he is doing in cleaning up the W.S.C. not an easy job when you have to deal with entitled minded union members of the woods type. He should have been kicked to the roadside long ago!!!!!! Do what you have to do Mr. Gibson.

On Water Corp unions plan 'wildcat' action

Posted 3 April 2019, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

BMW says...

Rests on solid ground? Cranes used to prop the ship? Really an uneducated statement, you have no idea how the dry dock works. LMAO

BMW says...

You dont have a clue how the dry dock works! Resting on solid ground, cranes used to prop up boat?? Pretty dumb observation. LMAO

BMW says...

Wow you must have never come through our very own rude and because you white you are foreign immigration and customs.

On Minister: Tourism numbers up 16.9 percent

Posted 30 March 2019, 1:44 p.m. Suggest removal

BMW says...

He really aint gotta work that hard. F.F.S.