Comment history

B_I_D___ says...

Such a vote of confidence!! Must be a very proud moment for the 'Brave' one...

On Davis flies to States for COVID treatment

Posted 21 August 2020, 8:01 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...


On Category 1 storm expected to hit in north

Posted 21 August 2020, 7:48 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Rumor...hearsay...could be complete B.S....this is circulating the internet just now...if it is false, please, let's get some clarity and confirmation from people in the know...

"PLP Leader Brave Davis, 69, has the virus and is in ICU at PMH fighting for his life; PLP Shadow Health Minister Dr Michael Darville, 60, also has virus and is in isolation-quarantine at home; PLP union activist and political hell-raiser Ricardo Smith is also in PMH with virus"

B_I_D___ says...

It will take MONTHS for the 'new low prices' to average your monthly rate down...willing to bet when the fuel prices spike again they will rapidly drop this plan and hit you full whack for the true rate.

B_I_D___ says...

So here is the trick!! They know with the new fuel deal that the average electrical bill will drop what they put in place is taking your average 'annual bill', while the fuel prices were high and will start charging you that annual/monthly average for the next while, even though next months bill with the new fuel pricing will likely be below your 'annual average'. So let's say my bill fluctuates from $300 to $600 annually...and I spend over the span of a year, $6, monthly average is $ when the new fuel prices come into effect, and my bill drops to say $400 with the new fuel charges, they are going to still be charging me my average of $500.

B_I_D___ says...

You expect the GOVT to report the numbers truthfully? HA!

B_I_D___ says...

Funny...this news article breaks, yet the official #'s for the day only show 10 for Nassau. Someone is not reporting accurate #'s.

B_I_D___ says...

99% certain that when the PM announced this mess his words were VERY clear that there will be no charge for the exit certificate.

B_I_D___ says...

Some of these folks trust that GPS plot a bit too much when they are running at 30+ knots. Wouldn't be me, not at night time anyways!! Running at night give me the creeps for just that reason in the picture above.

B_I_D___ says...

RIP and speedy recovery to all those involved...never have been comfortable running a boat at speed in the dark for just that reason...even if you miss all the rocks and your navigation is spot on, there may be some random object just floating about that you can't see. I've seen pictures of the damaged boat, must have been something hefty floating about...tore a good chunk of the hull out from the bow, below the waterline going aft.