Comment history

Baha10 says...

The problem Fisherman face today is I used to get the same price per pound in the early to mid 1980s when we saw catch volumes take off by effectively “inventing “ the preferred method of harvesting, namely “the Condo” … and fuel was less than a $1.00 a gallon, making this an “extremely” lucrative business for Bahamians, but with the price of fuel and replacement costs of Boats and Engines at what they are today, the profit margins are not anywhere near the same now. Indeed, the price of Lobster would need to be “at least” 5x what it is today to keep up with inflation, which means the Industry needs to give careful thought to controlling supply in an effort to increase prices, as increasing volume will only serve to depress or keep prices at the same level they were at … again, 40+ years ago!

Baha10 says...

But they were 150’s ,,, the “least” recognizable detail🤷‍♂️

Baha10 says...

Certainly not a good time to be swimming in area with tidal flow and nearby fishing cleaning stations.

As for the Andros “hit and run”, surely if Victim could make out HP of Outboard Engines, we should also know Brand, eg. Yamaha or Mercury … and approx. length of Boat, as must ve over 20ft. to require 2 Engines?

Baha10 says...

Tend to agree … also they have little choice, as not going to incur much higher fuel costs to go further afield.

Baha10 says...

Didn’t you comment on a “glowing” Article on this subject earlier in the week for which Comments have since been pulled😂

Baha10 says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

Baha10 says...

Agreed … any tax reduction should be welcomed, particularly if non-discriminatory.

As for how remaining tax revenue is spent is a different matter and will always be the subject of much debate and disagreement.

Baha10 says...

Why is this “special” Event not better promoted locally, as it is well supported by the Families and Fans of the visiting College Teams, but less than a couple hundred Bahamians … and Tickets were “Free” … pretty embarrassing!

Baha10 says...

The only hope for GB’s recovery was Oban … and at least several more large scale industrial projects, but the environmentalists, media and politicians saw fit to turn the positives of Oban upside down and in the process kill not only Oban, but any hope of attracting further large scale industrial development to an Island that was never intended for touristic development … hopefully all those responsible are pleased with the consequential result of their actions that have turned GB into a Graveyard for investment.

Baha10 says...

Sadly so true …