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BahamaPundit says...

Re:Concernedcitizen Fake News, but I respect your right to say it. President Trump is a business man. That's it. He is the opposite of Bahamian politicians that get nothing accomplished. America was becoming weak and soft under the fake guise of Obama's promised racial utopia. China, the real racist nation (the one you should have your hate directed at) was on the verge of taking over the world economic order. Trump fixed most of this and is the best president of my lifetime. Read this: In April, the black unemployment rate dropped to a historic low of 6.6 percent, followed by another record low of 5.9 percent in June, the first time in history it fell below 6 percent.

BahamaPundit says...

The author is correct; Doc is a terrible PM. But I disagree about his comments on Trump. He is content to treat Trump negatively the way "fake news" CNN treats him, while glorifying Obama. IMO Trump is much better than Obama's second term in office, when he became ultra liberal and started having boys use girl's bathrooms. You seem to imply that Trump was responsible for those attacks. Nonsense. Further, you imply that Trump is racist. He is not. Just because he is against illegal immigration does not make him racist. He has nothing against legal American citizens of any race. He is against breaking the law. That's it.

BahamaPundit says...

I believe they chose LNG to appease the environment conscious Albany and Lyford Cay residents. They call the shots. They didn't want a toxic diesel plant around their residences stinking up the air and polluting the sea.

BahamaPundit says...

China wants Crooked Island. WTO is the bridge.

BahamaPundit says...

That's the biggest problem. Our objective is not to trade in other countries but to recieve handouts and bribes from them. That objective leaves us in a weak position, because we aren't using WTO correctly. Countries that have nothing to trade globally have no point joining WTO. It's like entering the wrong room. We were looking for the handout and bribery room but walked into a room in which BMWs and Mercedes were being manufactured.

BahamaPundit says...

I believe both FNM and PLP are using one of the accountant firms in The Bahamas to set up the corrupt schemes and launder funds to a Panama company and bank account. It is very well planned and professional and would take Scotland Yard or the FBI to uncover its full reach and depth.

BahamaPundit says...

REThisIsOurs Finally, someone else seeing what I've been saying for so long. These guys aren't dumb at all. They're as shrewd as serpents. Even the PLP has their own brand of genius. The Bahamian genius lies in corruption and crookedness. All these mistakes they make are mostly due to corruption, not actual stupidity. These guys have robbed The Bahamas of hundreds of millions, even billions of dollars and have walked free. The PLP and FNM are some of the most successful criminal syndicates in human history. Not dumb. Know your enemy folks!

BahamaPundit says...

You want a good negotiator for WTO? Hire an Indian specialist consultant in WTO. Those Indian boys know what it's like to be dirt poor and treated like crap by imperial nations, and they have risen to the top because of this wisdom. They don't get messed with, because they have gone through hell and come back.

BahamaPundit says...

The scary part is, I honestly don't think people like Mr. Laing are fully aware how blessed the Bahamas is compared to the rest of the world: small population, beautiful environment and proximity to the US. All they think about is jobs, jobs, jobs for the poor mostly immigrant population. We've seen this with other Bahamian politicians that give the horse and the hog away with the barn. They negotiate prom a position of weakness, not strength, because they are so eager to be accepted and liked by the big white boys' club. Look how Cuba negotiates in comparison. They tell investors to get lost, unless it's completely on their terms. Black men are poor negotiators because, deep down, they have an inferiority complex. This leads them to be either too demanding and unrealistic or not demanding enough; they find it difficult to strike a ballance.

BahamaPundit says...

I have little faith in Mr. Laing's ability to negotiate WTO accession on behalf of the Bahamas, because he seems way too starry eyed and optimistic about the WTO. He strikes me as a man that does not seem worldly wise enough or jaded enough to be realistic. He needs to travel more, live abroad and work in other countries to get a more a wholistic awareness of power plays and leverage. At the end of the day, he strikes me as a complete globalist that is probably pro open borders and would have everyone compete, regardless of citizenship. He seems to believe the Bahamas belongs to the world, not to Bahamians. I hope I'm wrong.