Comment history

BahamaSand says...

JohnBrown, I'd suggest you don't even waste any more time on these folks because if you could use the excuse of your career as to why your spelling is so poor they obviously have no valuable intentions.
I am 100% with JohnBrown on this one.

BahamaSand says...

Yes, thank you for your reply.
I take pride that another honest human being with sense is still out there! We appreciate you.

BahamaSand says...

You're right. It wasn't six, it was one.
One too much....

BahamaSand says...

I don't know the law books as well as you do and I think I will take the time to do so. Possibly stating premeditation and murder was extreme but in any case you are right, she did not get any sort of charge for her action and that is what bothers me.

BahamaSand says...

Not to snap would be the "CHRIST"-like thing to do, I mean since we're living in a "CHRISTian nation" right? Or I have the wrong Commonwealth? Stop sounding like a hypocrite. You sound like you is watch too much t.v. bout "she just snapped". Get off of the tell-lie-vision (television) shows like 'Snapped' it's ruining the morally fair mind that you have. The same energy you take to save something you obviously saw was not working is the same energy you could expend getting out of the situation, I mean unless you have murdering tendencies of course and waiting for such an opportunity.

BahamaSand says...

hahaah you do realize that this is the internet and your words can and will never move me right...
Wrong is WRONG. Furthermore, why was there 12 women on the jury! So not right, very biased.
And to the commentator above, who are you to say that I've never been through abusive relationships? You don't know me more than you knew the American man to first land on the moon. She could have left, go to the same police who she call and get an order put out and start anew.
she wrong! and no amount of "cuss words" OVER the internet will change my stance.
As previously mentioned though, as sure as the sun shine, karma exists.

BahamaSand says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

On Jury unanimously found Jessie Williams not guilty

Posted 12 July 2012, 10:42 a.m.

BahamaSand says...

I agree Bro, the finger pointing is LAME.
Many folks point, point and point but have yet to put forth a plan of action and they too are LAME!
We need revolutionists not big mouthed critics.

On Threat of crime at 'critical' levels

Posted 19 May 2012, 10:46 a.m. Suggest removal

BahamaSand says...

That's significant 4 the first time party. I have faith in A completely new govt., 2017 is where it's at!

On DNA pulled vote

Posted 8 May 2012, 4:49 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamaSand says...

We have learned to fly the air like birds and swim the sea like fish, but we have not learned the simple art of living together as brothers- Martin Luther King Jr.

Whether it's because of their lifestyle or not, taking another man life is not the decision to be made by we as human beings. God (whichever name you refer to the Highest One/All Knowing as) makes that decision. We need some real work to do as a community. That community being the human being community which resides in the country we call The Bahamas. Our politicians, religious leaders and others in the spot light aren't the ONLY ones to blame. We as a PEOPLE are to blame. How do we start though? How do we fix our country without the help of external international intervention? How do we secure our country food reserves? How do we stop the killing?

Just some things to think about...

On Man dies in hail of bullets

Posted 30 April 2012, 7:21 p.m. Suggest removal