Comment history

Bahamabird says...

This Government just says whatever is convenient. Within two days, we are presented with different amounts regarding proposed cuts. Thankfully, the Tribune picked this up. This Government lies so much they cannot keep their lies straight! They are all about what is convenient to say, not what is truthful. Whatever the details, we know that they are taking us over a cliff, it is just a matter of how fast. Actually, as they control the numbers, we may be over it already and haven't been told!

On Gov't targeting $200m spending cuts by June

Posted 17 December 2020, 11:51 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamabird says...

Why is this two time losing candidate, judicially condemned fired Minister still relevant? He remains consistent though - even as a Minister he was filled with 'doom and gloom'. Let's hear from people who can fix problems. Sands helped to create them.

Bahamabird says...

The PM's remarks smacks of elitism. Why is only the West "upscale"?
Who is "young"? Who is "professional"? Doctorate degree or will an associates do? Trade school? The business person who did not go to college seems out of running for sure. He just continues to finds ways to needlessly divide the people he serves.

On Cut-price land deal for young buyers

Posted 14 December 2020, 4:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamabird says...

Throw into the mix the pre-election spending and we can all brace for what is coming.

On Governor warns on future tax increases

Posted 8 December 2020, 8:59 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamabird says...

If this going to be used to pay down the higher interest loan or are we just going into more debt? Johnson can spin all he wants, but he is at the helm and we are going over a cliff. Long after he retires (with a comfy pension) others will have to deal with the fall-out of our debt level.

On Extra $225m raise 'signals confidence'

Posted 4 December 2020, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamabird says...

If a traveller walks in off the street and has an antigen test done it is $20 ($15 at some places), YET the visa is $40. What additional costs are being covered by the $40 fee? It seems that this account at BOB will have a surplus of funds after the facilities rendering the tests are paid.

Bahamabird says...

Why are the Emergency Orders the same in material respects for NP when the cases are drastically down?

On ‘We’re flattening the curve’

Posted 29 November 2020, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamabird says...

".. in the best interest of my Constituency and my Party, I have offered my resignation as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance to the Prime Minister with immediate effect."

He resigned in the best interest of his Constituency and his Party. I imagine that he meant to say country. Please say that he meant to say country!! Unreal.

Anyway, better late than never.

Bahamabird says...

The lack of respect for the Bahamian people is just sad.
It is unfathomable that K.Peter Turnquest is still our Minister of Finance. The disdain, lack of respect and lack of interest for the Bahamian people from this Government is constant. People may not remember all of what they have done, but we will surely not forget how this Government made us feel. At this moment, the disrespect is palatable.

Bahamabird says...

"The people know our heart".

What a ridiculous statement. We know that the Cabinet is full of corrupt hypocrites who lack spines. Those who haven't been involved directly in one of the many corrupt acts have chosen to adopt them as their own.
Know the hearts of your people, Mr. Prime Minister.
Know that our hearts are breaking, Prime Minister because we love the country that you are corrupting and destroying.