Comment history

Bahamagyal says...

and here i was thinking it was just me, im not even PLP and I find him annoying!

Bahamagyal says...

Mr Maynard sir, would u mind telling the Bahamian people if the FNM appointed those with loyalty to the FNM when the party was in power. Because it is absolutely sickening for me to listen to u point fingers at the PLP in almost every issue of the Tribune of faults that ur party is aalso guilty of.

On FNM criticises list of board appointments

Posted 11 July 2012, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamagyal says...

Not Mr Christie's biggest fan either but the hypocrisy is sickening, Mr Foulkes couldnt open his mouth once to Mr Ingraham but here he is trying to advise Mr Christie how to run this country. I was hoping that he would have stayed on Darrold Miller's show a little while longer so he could respond to those callers who pointed out that the FNM did the same thing. But of course he ran off. Spare us Mr Foulkes!

Bahamagyal says...

whats really sad is that while a dozen women have been raped and are hurting the only thing ppl can find to do is bring politics in it again. Rape occured under both administrations, what does Perry Christie's bodyguard have to do with anything?

My sympathy to these ladies and their families, I hope they catch these monsters soon

On Men suspected of raping a dozen women

Posted 27 June 2012, 1:33 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamagyal says...

Victimization from both sides has been occuring over the years and we apparently live in a democracy.

Bahamagyal says...

one of the few sensible comments under this article, bahamians are some of the stupidest ppl going, i recall HAI standing up in the House, wasting the public's hard earned dollars making the jokes off Perry Christie, I wonder if Laing remembers seeing that he was a sitting MP at the time. FNM or PLP open ur eyes people, these people ain on noone run but their own. Stop getting emotional defending them and do for yourselves.

On Laing: Stop bashing, start governing

Posted 22 June 2012, 9:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamagyal says...

And im sorry but i dont feel "we're in the process of doing upgrades" is a legit enough reason.

On FNM launches investigation into issues

Posted 19 June 2012, 9:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamagyal says...

Do u think the FNM delivered on its promise to the Bahamian people that the sale of BTC would lead to better service? Do u think these multiple cuts in phone service and the disfunctional 911 and 919 emergency numbers is acceptable? Do u think there would be any negative effects on the business community and tourism? Do u think that bullshit could have happened in any other country without BTC getting its eyeballs sued out? How about you answer those questions since ur the lawyer for BTC

On FNM launches investigation into issues

Posted 19 June 2012, 9:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamagyal says...

How about we investigate why everyone in the FNM sat back and allowed Mr Ingraham to sell a profitable corporation for so cheap to incompetent fools who cant even keep the lines up. I dont care how many FNMS continue to wipe Mr Ingraham's ass and make exscuses but this mess could not have happened in any first world country and should not have happened here. If u must interfere with services do it at an hour that would minimize inconvenience. Countless businesses lost money and anyone with an emergency would have been stranded. This really is a big disgrace and I sincerely hope the compensation is worth it Mr Houston!

On FNM launches investigation into issues

Posted 19 June 2012, 6:03 p.m. Suggest removal