Comment history

Bahamas2016 says...

If you read what you wrote you will see how ignorant you sound. If homosexuality has been around since the "biblical" days, what makes you think it is going to change? Murder has been around since "biblical" days and its still here, war has been around since "biblical" days and it still going on. Parents are responsible for their children, not the state. Train a child in the way he should go and he shall never depart. Are all of your kids "straight"? You don't know who gay or lesbian until they say they are

Bahamas2016 says...

Just for your information, Mr. Atkins stop receiving Government Subvention at the end of Government budget 2012-2013 which would be two years ago. The federation knows exactly the whereabouts of Mr. Atkins. If the federation would stop infighting then athletes will have respect for it. Mr. Atkins never raped this country out of anything. Chris Brown never won any medals outdoors by himself, all of his medals are relay medals outdoors and you people act as though he did it by himself. I have not seen one press release or report, where Chris Brown has giving back to this country, all he does is cry and rape this country about money. Chris Brown Invitational is not giving back, that is raping the country out of the money after the meet the profit hit his pockets not the youth of the island where he is from.

Bahamas2016 says...

Now I don't know who you are, but that is a bold statement you made here. I am guessing you living lavish in your palace on the mountain top. Remember, there ain't no support underneath it and when your day comes, your day will come. Keep your racist comments to yourself

Bahamas2016 says...

You folks on here criticizing the Ministry of Education for taking a stances on this issue when you should commend them. There is a viral video of students at C.C. Sweeting senior high playing this "game" and they received a response. In the background you can hear the girls screaming and freaking out. Now you folks want to say or blame the MOE for your kids having STD's, low grade point averages, D average national grade, teenage pregnancies. So I am guessing that none of these kids have parents. Some of you parents are lousy and have the nut sacks to blame someone else for your failures as parents. The Governments of the Bahamas provide free education on all these matters and rather than you as a parent/s involve your kids into these programs you want your kids working after school because you ain't working and can't pay the bills.