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Bahamas676 says...

since everyone fighting over to legalize gambling i hope we legalize broths, marijuana, and guns too.

On The view on the street over gambling

Posted 17 September 2014, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamas676 says...

what an ass prices of everything is going up due to inflation, everyday living expenses going up bec experience rising cost for electricity, but their salaries not going up get the hell out of here i would strike 2 clearly ur ass probably have no morgage or no kids and u live with mama at home..

Bahamas676 says...

Vat can be covered if the number house was owned by the government and not some fucking retard buying phantoms get out of here pussy, moneys from the number house suppose to be reinserted back in to the infrastructure of the economy not buying million dollar houses and balling out in clubs.

Bahamas676 says...

youll bahamians so stupid dred if u dont give casino leeway and tax breaks they just would put the tax on us, all they will do is if they have to pay 20% tax for example; they will hire 50 bahamians if the gov try to tax them 30% they simply will hire 25 people. you cant just put high tax on a business when that business trying to stabilize our economy. Then everyone crying about why bahamar aint call me for job and atlantis dis n dat keep tryna tax them high..

On Rollins hits back at webshop lawyer

Posted 8 September 2014, 12:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamas676 says...

If youll want earthquakes and cataglory 5 hurricanes and an economic collapse vote yes!

Bahamas676 says...

Bahamians so lout, they think webshops are helping the economy when infact they are destroying it lol...why u fools think in america if someone opened up a webshop without regulations in place uncle sams gives them 25 to life in prison..more money leaving the economy than whats actually circulating inside of it .. the moneys is not being use to invest in the infrastructure of the bahamas. like everyone says though knowledge is power


Posted 29 January 2014, 11:40 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamas676 says...

only people would complain about this r the Haitians i love this system...driver license cards are easily made on the black market, so no we shouldnt use them,,a new id card with bar strip should be implemented so we can swipe and all there information comes up or call a certain department to receive information using the number on the cards


Posted 27 December 2013, 10:07 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamas676 says...

did this guy just say the webshop owners are more powerful than the U.S government?

Bahamas676 says...

Haitians gone be mad as hell lol!

On Motorists stopped by Immigration road blocks

Posted 11 December 2013, 3:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamas676 says...

LOL so many retards on this website 20 years for a hand gun?1st of all thats unconstitutional , 2nd are you going to grow money out of your ass to pay for the expenses for a crowded over populated prison for the next 30 years? This is not the United States where we have the privilege of printing money out of thin air because of the federal reserve fiat currency.. I guess prisoners will be eating mud and water everyday.