Comment history

BahamasB2B says...

The most important part of this article is the admission to purchase apartments at Atlantis’s Reef complex. The use of shell corporations to transfer Bahamas real estate for bribery purposes is extensive in The Bahamas. It has been alleged that this scheme has been used to get favourable treatment from the un, imf, idb and other foreign organizations by bribing visiting officials in this manner. Remember, bribery is not illegal here. So, while one can get in trouble in the US for bribing a Bahamian official, Bahamians are free to bribe foreigners, on Bahamian soil, without any ramifications.

BahamasB2B says...

Indeed this move is discriminatory and illegal. It may also violate the Bahamas Constitution, which states that the rights of ALL people, regardless of place of origin, will be respected.

BahamasB2B says...

Mr Christie and company are acting in an immature, vindictive manner, fueled by ego, pride and political deception. While they might get short-term satisfaction from their antics, it will have a devastating long-term negative effect on the economy of The Bahamas. A true patriot would not do that.