Comment history

BahamasPride says...

It seems to me that many people don't understand what private business means or is. If I am a company like the Wyndham that in 2002 had 850 rooms and 900 employees and in 2010 down to only 500 rooms with the same 850-900 employees that this business model makes any sense. In fact the resort I am told has net losses in the $15 - $20 range per year. Unlike BEC, BahamasAir and Water and Sewage, a private owner does not have tax payers and the public treasury to milk and keep unprofitable corporations running with and over sized public service. So those that think the government has a say or could prevent the inevitable please ask yourselves if this was your business and you are losing millions per year because of business contractions and shrinkage that you will keep on payroll 400 extra employees just because you have $20 mil per year to burn!

It's an unfortunate thing but its business in the private sector vs. the public government ran world of unions and politics.

On DEVELOPING: Wyndham employees fired

Posted 9 February 2013, 5:17 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamasPride says...

So can someone say why are they trying to get back a meaningless 2%???

On Bahamas considered investment risk

Posted 6 September 2012, 10:26 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamasPride says...

Does someone want to sell 51% of Tal

On Why is it important to have 51 per cent?

Posted 6 September 2012, 10:23 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamasPride says...

Don't think they will last five years,..

BahamasPride says...

Well said Dr. Minnis, reminds me of when HAI use to speaks with facts and not like the PLP with just fluffy words! Keep up the great work and keep them thinking Doc.

On Surprise at Christie admission

Posted 2 July 2012, 9:04 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamasPride says...

What else do you expect from a politician that is just there to make a salary. During the campaign the PLP said we are going to give all persons renting/ leasing plates...that they will be issued their own...I might add that the FNM made the same promise to the electorate but the point of the matter I expected better from Hope that was suppose to be one of the new generation of leaders so she shows up to work reads a file and says yes we need to do this to pander to a vexing issue that either party does NOT have the fortitude to address...this is the same PLP that had bus drivers picking up and driving its supportes around during the campaign on motorcades and to the rallies...and other supporters expecting to get a plate base on the promise now you want to come out and say we need to do something about this issue. Idiots they take us for...but we give them credibility to that belief and support such nonsense. Tribune next time cut hope Strachan and ask what about the PLP promise during the Campaign I would have love to see how that question would have been answered...!


Posted 30 June 2012, 9:50 a.m. Suggest removal