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Bahamasnews says...

How about everyone and I mean everyone turning off their electricity at the same time for 1 hour. No hardship to us as it happens regularly but only to suit BEC.
Let's have a nationwide turn off to show BEC what it's like. No revenue, no need to run generation.
About time BEC realise they cost our businesses money by cutting supply so what if we don't want their supply for an hour?
Time to realise they are a service industry not dictators or controllers.

On BEC bonus payout of $1.2m for employees

Posted 12 December 2014, 6:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamasnews says...

How about everyone and I mean everyone turning off their electricity at the same time for 1 hour. No hardship to us as it happens regularly but only to suit BEC.
Let's have a nationwide turn off to show BEC what it's like. No revenue, no need to run generation.
About time BEC realise they cost our businesses money by cutting supply so what if we don't want their supply for an hour?
Time to realise they are a service industry not dictators or controllers.

On Bahamasnews

Posted 12 December 2014, 6:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamasnews says...

At least the businesses will be collecting the tax and not leaving it up to the Government, so it will get collected.
Remember VAT is Value Added Tax. This means every business is only really responsible for collecting the tax on the Value that particular business actually Adds.
The end user pays the bill the businesses in between just collect the tax.
If the Government does reduce duty then imported goods should not increase in price to the consumer. The change from applying duty on CIF to FOB will make a huge difference.

On VAT 'not as difficult as people make out'

Posted 4 October 2014, 12:34 p.m. Suggest removal