Comment history

Bahamerican says...

as your handle states Bahamas for Bahamians.. it is not time for Bahamians to step up to profit from tourist and receive concessions like the foreigners?

Legal of illegal the web shops are making millions from Bahamians. All this does is continue to rape the poor. We need to start owning the Baha Mar and Sandals resorts.

Bahamerican says...

What a mess Christie created!! Gaming houses on every corner whether licensed or not licensed is bad for the Bahamas. These so called "business" men need to take their new found fortunes and help the government with the GRand Lucayan and to bring in tourist dollars instead of rapping Bahamians of the little they have with these web shops

Bahamerican says...

Yes Ingraham gave away Grand Bahama years ago. Now Minnis has no choice unless we all want to see GB become a ghost town.

On Govt's Grand Lucayan deal to close Sept 11

Posted 22 August 2018, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal