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BahamianAway says...

The Bahamas is reaping exactly what it has sown over the years. It doesn't matter which political party is in power, for too long crime has been allowed to run rampant. It just now happens that now it is to far gone to be curbed.

It all started when they allowed the Privy Council to step in and eliminate capital punishment. Now people feel as though they can commit crimes and there is no real consequences to those actions. I would love to know what the Privy Council finds more heinous than murder.

Also when the amount of illegal activities such as gambling and high ranking officials taking bribes and embezzling continue to set precedent why would people feel as though they should respect any type of law. It's the little things that people were able to get away (such as driving lawless and reckless) that have now lead up to bigger things like murder.

Fact is The Bahamas is so far gone only drastic measures will even begin to redeem this country. And a good place to start is bringing back capital punishment and shutting down all the illegal gaming establishments.

On UPDATED: Body of victim dumped in canal

Posted 3 November 2015, 4:57 a.m. Suggest removal

BahamianAway says...

This is sad and I am sorry for this family.

I have long said that Bahamians need to deal better with the elderly, especially those suffering from mental health issues. My question is whhat was the man doing unsupervised in the first place knowing he suffered from dementia. He should have been under constant supervision, and if not his home should have been safeguarded in such a way that he would be unable to exit it without assistance.

I hope other families with elderly who suffer in this way now take the initiative to safeguard them better and prevent such tragedy.

BahamianAway says...

Here we go again...selling off our country to foreigners.
What ever happened to leasing the property, that way money is still made and The Bahamas keeps its land for Bahamians.

Before long Bahamians won't own any of our land. It will all belong to foreigners. SMH and SMT!!!!

BahamianAway says...

I know this corner well and this is the worst place to attempt to overtake anyone. First there is a median on the East Street Side headed toward Rubis and the corner Zion Blvd is always backed up with traffic turning onto East Steet and headed straight onto Bamboo Blvd. Also the way they re-did the roads there are sidewalks on everyside so no where to even swerve onto to avoid an oncoming vehicle.

Sad but I hope this serves to be a lesson....Bahamians need to learn how to follow road rules. point blank...

BahamianAway says...

I wonder if he was travelling on East Street side,because if so there is a median that separates the lanes of traffic going toward South Beach. If this is where I think it is by the police station he made a grave and deadly error. Anyone who normally travels that junction knows that there is no overtaking no matter which way you are travelling. Even if you are coming Bamboo Blvd or Zion Blvd the traffic is always tight coming onto East Street.

RIP to the man and I hope this is a lesson to other Bahamians to adhere to the road rules and be very vigliant while driving.

On Driver killed in collision with mack truck

Posted 13 February 2015, 5:23 a.m. Suggest removal

BahamianAway says...

And this why the Bahamas will never get ahead...we need to focus on things outside of tourism. Why does everything always need to be geared toward attracting tourist. Have we nothing else to sustain us... Granted tourism brings in a good income but I would think by now we have more to offer.

But hey as long as the same "old" thinkers are running the place we will continue to follow the same old paths and hoping for new results. Ignorance at it's finest.

On PM: Carnival will be an annual fixture

Posted 9 February 2015, 10:17 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamianAway says...

Typical case of "nigga mentality"... they saw that the man was using the seaweed for fertilizer and in typical Bahamian fashion they decided to stop it. Why, because they probably felt that this guy was running a sucessful operation why should he be allowed to get seaweed free. Now I am sure if he offered to pay for the seaweed then by all means he would be allowed to get it. Meanwhile some dumd a** with no concept of how environmental ocean systems work had the great idea that saying a build up of seaweed would limit beach erosion, which is an absolute pot of cowdung. So now they rather see a beach pile up with seaweed than to let this man clean it and get what nature has provided for free. SMH!!!

*he must of pissed someone off who decided to end his reign of freeness.

BahamianAway says...

It's about time a government started taking the matter of immigration in The Bahamas seriously. Whether it is a politcal stunt or not the fact remains measures needed to be taken a long time ago to address the over abundance of non-Bahamians milking the system.

Now what will happen after these grand plans and schemes are announced is another matter entirely. I for one personally hope that the government (and it doesn't matter which one) can finally get the immigration situation under control.

On Mitchell announces new regime for visas

Posted 2 February 2015, 4:38 a.m. Suggest removal

BahamianAway says...

These parents are so stupid. Who takes a four month old on a cruise ship full of germs and limited medical facilities. I wish I was a Disney lawyer I'd tell them to go f' themselves. They made a poor decision as parents and now looking for a come-up on someone else's dime. Smh....this world today.

BahamianAway says...

What they need to do (and I have said this numerous times) is make Junkanoo a week long festival, starting December 25th and wrapping up January 1st. This gives the groups opportunites to showcase all of the pieces that they work so hard on all year, it gives vendors an opportunity to sell their products for more than two nights, it gives the option of selling multiple tickets for more than the two nights- they can sell ticket packages, it gives the tourists a chance to see the parade depending on which nights they are in town, and it allows the parade to be earlier and finish quicker.

On Junkanoo cut to a single lap

Posted 1 January 2015, 2:09 a.m. Suggest removal