Comment history

BahamianDiaspora says...

This goes beyond any party politics. This is a Bahamian issue. Without this, our country will not develop!

BahamianDiaspora says...

Yea right, who is young Rolle trying to fool. Which reputable hotel management company would want to operate when they can not secure a "non-disturbance" clause in any event of default. Come on, from the beginning Baha Mar was something that was meant for the vegas strip. These google-eyed incompetent PLPs just jump at any pie in the sky idea from foreign investors who promise to provide subservient jobs for the Bahamian folk. Another example is Ginn over in Freeport - hundred of acres of land just sitting idle and now under the portfolio of massive banks.

BahamianDiaspora says...

Hmmmmm, so looks like in any event of a default that mammoth property would be a great asset for the Chinese. Picture Chinese factories on Cable Beach strip, with easy access to the new port to ship their goods to America. These PLP incompetent fools are always so short sighted when it comes to any massive FDI. Short term gains, long term pains. Ingraham was always skeptical about Baha Mar, but it was too far gone in development for the FNM to do anything about it at that point in time.

On Baha Mar 'discussed' Dec. 1 opening delay

Posted 30 April 2014, 2:41 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamianDiaspora says...

What's the current accurate homicide (murder and manslaughter) count commish?!

On Two dead in GB shootings

Posted 1 April 2014, 11:29 a.m. Suggest removal

BahamianDiaspora says...

The headline should have read: Time for a new government!!!

Has this idiot loss his mind: "But these things are so serious that somehow we have allowed the political will to be lacking. We have caused there to be a feeling that the institution of Parliament must be a budgetary concern. It’s like having a cathedral."
worst pm in the history of the bahamas

On Time for a new Parliament?

Posted 29 March 2014, 4:52 a.m. Suggest removal

BahamianDiaspora says...

This is just the beginning. Not even two years into the term, and people are already sick and tired with the follies of Perry's administration.

BahamianDiaspora says...

It hurts me to say this -- but based on what is reported in this article, it seems as if our very own democracy is being eroded to the core. Is there no longer a separation of powers? Is the entire country now controlled by the political elite, whom are easily bought off by foreign interests? Is the independence of our own judiciary at jeopardy now?

BahamianDiaspora says...

Along with the inarticulate DPM, seems as if Rollins also had a piece of Fox's birthday cake. Talk about the hypocrisy here. Rollins is now following the PLP folly.