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BahamianFisherman says...

Hopefully the government realizes that all Bahamians benefit from tourist coming to fish . Taxi drivers , hotel ownes , restaurants . Etc .

Seems this law will only help a small but highly vocal and organized number of Bahamian guides and resort owners , but will hurt everyone else .

It's my opinion that the vast majority of tourist don't want the extra expense or inconvenience of hireing a Bahamian guide .
We need to be honest , not every Bahamian who says ," I'm an expert and I have nice boat " is telling the truth . I'm guessing %50 can't swim and don't know basic CPR .
Also be honest , most Bahamians boats don't have a private bathroom , I don't think most family's wants a stranger watching their every move .

Before the government makes a drastic change , they should do a survey
of our customers .
Then do what's best for All Bahamians .

BahamianFisherman says...

The Bahamas is the perfect example of how gun control doesn't work .
The Bahamas has a total ban on handguns and extremely difficult and expensive to own an " assault rifle " but %99 of our killings are with hand guns and assault rifles .

Factories in NorthAmerica and South America are making guns by the boat load , added with the millions that are left from countless civil wars and drug cartels over the past 150 years ; believing we can make guns disappear is a dream not reality .
For example the new TAR 21 assult rifles are being made in Brazil as we speak .
It's a total dream to think anyone can eliminate guns .
Criminals can buy a gun for $100 , it cost thousands for police to remove one .

The Bahamas and America has a social problem , a generation of fatherless men ; this is a long term problem that needs fixing .

If %85 of violent crime is committed by repeat offenders, it's logical to reduce crime we must simply keep criminals in jail longer .

Bahamians must ask this simple question ," where else in the world can a repeat offender shoot someone in the head and only serve 2 years ?

It's oblivious what needs to change !

BahamianFisherman says...

If %85 of voilent crime Is being committed by repeat offenders , it's logical if you keep violent criminals in jail crime will drop .

Bahamians need to ask themselves ," where else in the world can a repeat offender with an illegal gun shoot someone in the head and only serve 2 years in jail ?

It's shameful that we keep asking police to keep risking their lives to recatch the same criminals over and over !

On Mothers stand united in protest calling for peace

Posted 10 September 2015, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal

BahamianFisherman says...

If %85 of violent crime is being committed by repeat offenders , its only logical if you kept them in jail crime would drop by %85 .

The guns used in crimes are already unlicensed illegal guns , writing another law in a book cannot help
Increasing the Licence fee and procedure for honest people to have a licensed gun only hurts honest people .

Illegal guns can be brought into this country from USA and Haiti for a small fraction of what it costs police to confiscate them . Think of the expense and extreme danger police have to go through to recover one handgun ; then think how easy it is for a criminal to buy another one for $100 . It's shameful we want police to keep risking their lives to re catch the same criminals over and over .

Ask yourself ,"where else in the entire world can a person with an extensive criminal record ,with an illeagle gun , shoot someone in the head and only serve 2 years in jail .

It's oblivious what needs to change .

BahamianFisherman says...

Every where I go I meet people who say ," I've visited The Bahamas , I went there on a cruse .
The cruse ships are the first contact most tourist have with the Bahamas .
The ministry of tourism needs to take note of this video and make some changes , because %90 feel that way .

With the size of the ministry of tourism's budget cleaning up garbage and bums in the main tourist path is a no brainer , but if Bahamians don't see garbage as problem and see Junkanoo as a priority , then the government will keep giving Bahamians what they want .

BahamianFisherman says...

Bandit I have not been to any caribbean ports as you asked , but I have been to countries in
North American , South America , Europe , Africa , and Asia
without a doubt Nassau is the dirtiest and most dangerous city I've seen .

Bandit you should be encouraging Bahamians to improve the situation ; not be content with a problem that can so easily be fixed .

BahamianFisherman says...

The problem is that we're immune to garbage , and drug dealers .
I've done a lot of traveling and nowhere has anyone tried to sell me drugs ,
Nowere except home , when I walk the streets of Nassau or Freeport like a tourist it seems like there's a drug dealer on every corner . Nothing is more annoying and scary to a tourist family as a criminal trying to push drugs .

BahamianFisherman says...

The government really does need to allow Bahamians to carry guns and defend themselves because for whatever reason the police are not controlling the criminals .

All criminals think twice before they enter a home when they think the homeowner is armed , but that same person is helpless on the street when only criminals have guns .

It's a proven fact in The Bahamas that communities that are more armed get home invasion less .. Even though their a more valuable target

Legal Bahamian gun owners have proven themselves to be responsible and only use their guns in self defense .

But sadly the government is going hard in the wrong direction , they just tripled the Licence fee , making it more difficult for poor Bahamians ((who are most vulnerable )) to protect themselves .

BahamianFisherman says...

Who really thinks the ex-drug lawyers we have as leaders don't know how to cover their tracks ?
We have no one to blame but ourselves .

BahamianFisherman says...

Do Americans Realize that when they "Tame " a shark and train them to beg for food ; when they beg the next Bahamian diver or fisherman for food they get speared , power headed , or hooked on deck and bleed out !
Bahamians fear of tame sharks may or may not be justified ; it doesn't matter , tame sharks will be killed when they get too friendly with the wrong Bahamian .

Note : a reef shark may stay at the scuba dive cite where Bahamians avoid ; but tigers and hammerheads have wide ranges