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BahamianKing says...

If any of this ever happened in the states, the IRS would be all over his behind! Not my country, through...'cause we is _________!

BahamianKing says...

"Money" isn't the issue, Mr.'s how much of it - at one time - is what's implicating you.

BahamianKing says...

“Medical Marijuana”…is just that! Medical Marijuana! It’s for medical purposes, only, and not for recreational use. It’s not for baking in brownies. It’s not for baking in cookies. If regulated with a little common sense – as most nations, where it is legal, were able to do – this shouldn’t be an issue.

BahamianKing says...

I accept God's word, as God's word! Which means: If the word says homosexuality is an abomination - which it does - then eating pork on the 3rd day, is an abomination. Women wearing pant-suits is an abomination. Gambling is an abomination. False tongue, is an abomination. Envy is an abomination. Shaving my head, is an abomination. Eating shellfish, is an abomination. Women pastors, are an abomination.

These are just a few - out of the hundreds - of abominations the bible clearly identifies! Why did you choose to concentrate on homosexuality? Because you have personally broken the rest?

BahamianKing says...

I'm not gay (married with 2 children); I'm just a well-traveled, educated human. One who tries to see himself in the shoes of others, and try to identify with know, "the lesser of these", as the bible says.

All the other points you're trying to make, are invalid. Homosexuality is not a choice (proven). The act of sex before marriage, is the choice (which can be attributed to homo and hetero sexuals). Most homosexuals are not atheists. I take it that you know "most homosexuals", to make that assertion?

On Call for education campaign on LGBT issues

Posted 27 March 2014, 1:57 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamianKing says...

Here’s what I’m gathering from the comments being made on this subject:

1. Allowing a segment of human beings the opportunity to enjoy the simple freedoms the rest of us enjoy, is considered “forcing it down our throats.”

2. Homosexuality is a “lifestyle”.

3. We would be creating a separate class if policies are shaped to include the excluded.

4. “But the bible says…”

#1 doesn’t make sense, to me. No one is forcing anything down your throat. Changes in policies to include protections for homosexuals, and afford them the same rights, wouldn’t change one bit of who you are. As for #2; homosexuality isn’t a lifestyle…it’s a state of being (one just simply is…). One can be a homosexual, and not partake in going to the clubs, having sex, or do whatever you think homosexuals do. #3 is a biggie. Homosexuals are already a separate class of people; just by the way they’re being treated. The policies that would be created would ensure equality, not separation. As for what the bible says - #4 – please don’t go there. Hypocrisy already runs rampant in this country, and using the bible to justify hate is pretty much hilarious.

On Call for education campaign on LGBT issues

Posted 26 March 2014, 9:20 a.m. Suggest removal

BahamianKing says...

But you're commenting on this issue as if you live in a bubble. The Bahamas is not in a bubble...we are a part of a global community. Just because the things you listed are not happening in the Bahamas, doesn't mean they're not happening. If a transgendered person - someone whose identity is female - were to go into the mens restroom (or vice versa), that would spell trouble for him/her.

We have millions of tourists that visit this country, every year. Why can't we accommodate all of them? Why shouldn't homosexuals be able to walk in downtown Nassau holding their partner's hand, without fear? Someone's race is only one dimension of needing Civil Rights. Civil Rights isn't confined to the color of your skin (Civil Rights = Civilian Rights).

On Call for education campaign on LGBT issues

Posted 25 March 2014, 12:56 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamianKing says...

Why not? What difference is there? The fact that you ASSUME that one can walk away from his/her sexuality, and not his/her color? If that's the case, then you're mislead. There are protections for homosexuals in certain countries - like the US - and protections for minorities. Those protections are to counter the same thing..."hate".

Homosexuality is innate.

On Call for education campaign on LGBT issues

Posted 25 March 2014, 12:11 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamianKing says...

Which was said during the abolition of slavery, and the fight for Civil Rights.

On Call for education campaign on LGBT issues

Posted 25 March 2014, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamianKing says...

The fact you just posted this drivel, proves the very point. Education on this issue is needed.

On Call for education campaign on LGBT issues

Posted 25 March 2014, 12:02 p.m. Suggest removal