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Bain says...

The only way to WIN is to stop allowing those greedy webshop owners to take their hard earn money. Spinning is a demon. Its addictive and the webshops owners know this. The is killing the poor man's pocket. Look at where most are the number houses are located? In the poor inner-city communities. There must be a special place in hell for those greedy webshop owners who prey on poor uneducated people. The government needs to tax the 90%.

On Web shop patrons face $20m tax bill

Posted 13 June 2018, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Bain says...

The reality is the many students who got the loan returned home and were not able to find employment. Also, many got jobs that were only paying minimum wage and could not afford to repay the loan and is still financially struggling even today...not to mention those government employees who never got promotions or salary re-assessment upon completing their degreed.

Let's be real, the loan program was never properly structured. As a matter of fact I remember a student who was given a full scholarship to complete a degree in Agriculture Science. He returned home and could not find employment for 2 years. He ended up going back to the USA where is now employed with the FDA.

This will be just another one of those bad debts that the Government will have to write off. Why? many persons do not have any assets for the government to seize, Fox Hill Prison is overcrowded as is, so going to jail is not an option.

Maybe what the Government can do is get persons to do community service as a means of repaying the loan. For example, teach after school classes in the government schools, open some government offices on weekends, clean up all government parks and beaches, paint all government buildings etc.
Just my 2 cents.

On Student loan debts block scholarships

Posted 25 July 2017, 11:52 a.m. Suggest removal

Bain says...

It is so sad to see how some FNMs have been in the attack the "Minnis Mode" for the 2 years. This has resulted in a further division in the FNM. The fnm will loose the General Election in 2017 as a result of all of the infighting. As a matter of fact I do not see the FNM recovering for the next 15 years. At this point it does not matter who is leader of the party; Minnis, LBT or Sands, the fnm will not win the next election.