Comment history

BeachBoy says...

They're attempting to bring this country to its knees to further their own agenda. It's despicable, and is more than a mere inconvenience. If BTC workers, for example, strike and we lose phone service, generally speaking it's not a major major issue. But when you tangibly affect our two main revenue stream - customs, and tourism - it's dangerous.


Posted 10 September 2014, 10:18 a.m. Suggest removal

BeachBoy says...

Is this that same green and white building on JFK that's been plagued by shoddy work, with tenants flat-out leaving due to bad construction?

On Builder defends $20m contract

Posted 22 July 2014, 10:05 a.m. Suggest removal

BeachBoy says...

That's my issue, too. FIFA are a bunch of jackasses, so I understand the wide restrictions on broadcasting, etc., but Cable could have done a much better job of communicating the offers AND the issues.


Posted 13 June 2014, 11:51 a.m. Suggest removal

BeachBoy says...

Instead of using this disclosure as a way to discuss citizen's privacy, a FOI law, and the role of surveillance in our personal lives (let's not forget the proliferation of CCTV cameras in Nassau's core), we again resort to petty politics.

BeachBoy says...

If the DNA had wanted to have an impact on the country they should have focused on two or three constituencies, used strong candidates, and offered a real platform for change. By dreading themselves across every single constituency they offered weak candidates and a non-existent platform. Then there's Bran's promise to step down if he didn't win his seat...

That being said, while I hate the idea of the death penalty, I fully support the idea of sweating the small stuff. Fine people for minor infractions - no helmets on motorcycles, running red lights, speeding, reckless driving, etc. If the public knows that they're being watched closely and will most likely be punished for something small, then someone larger is bound to cause even larger punishment.

BeachBoy says...

Fair enough about Old Fort, that was my mistake.

I guess best-case scenario would be to incorporate South Beach into the Albany family, but have the golf course be publicly accessible without having to pay an exorbitant membership fee. I know golf will never be an affordable sport, but at least let members of the public pay a green fee to play now and again without having to become a club member.

On Albany in JV bid to acquire South Ocean

Posted 25 February 2014, 11:28 a.m. Suggest removal

BeachBoy says...

lol... been in the sun far too long, my friend.

On Albany in JV bid to acquire South Ocean

Posted 24 February 2014, 7:44 p.m. Suggest removal

BeachBoy says...

I'm all for major investment, blah blah blah, but the last thing we need is another super exclusive golf resort. We have Albany, we have Lyford Cay, we have Old Fort Bay, we have Ocean Club. Nowhere in Nassau do we have a golf course where even middle class Bahamians can afford to play.

On Albany in JV bid to acquire South Ocean

Posted 24 February 2014, 4:56 p.m. Suggest removal

BeachBoy says...

I can't agree more. As a foreign-born white Bahamian with a foreign accent I understand that, on first glance, my status could be questionable. However, I am under no obligation to carry any form of ID with me. What then?

BeachBoy says...

The problem isn't with current tourists. It's with the potential visitors who are deciding where to take their family in 2014 or beyond.